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Re: I'm Pregnant

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Nice picture @monicakm 

I was pregnant in 81 with my first child. Then again in 86.

Back then you only had one shower no matter how many times you got pregnant. 
Well that's how we rolled in our family anyway.The cake was pink and blue and it read Pink or Blue we Welcome you. 😆 


I didn't get the chance to say I am sorry for the loss of your mom. I am doing so now.


Praying for strength for you and the family.

Love, Kbeans 



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Re: I'm Pregnant

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I was pregnant in 1980, then again in 1984, again in 1988, and one more time in 1994.  Whew...glad that's over!  But I managed to keep my girlish figure after every one which is all I cared about.  I just kept running and working out.  I DID NOT like being big.


Cute picture!  I had baby showers at work for all my kids and just one at home for my first child. After that my fam just gave me  whatever I needed.

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I was perfectly positioned in the womb behind my brother until a week before we were born; the xrays, which they used in the 50's....showed my fist sticking out from behind him, so they finally knew there were two of us! So nice with ultrasound now to know so much more info about what to expect@\!

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I was perfectly positioned in the womb behind my brother until a week before we were born; the xrays, which they used in the 50's....showed my fist sticking out from behind him, so they finally knew there were two of us! So nice with ultrasound now to know so much more info about what to expect!

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What a treasured picture @monicakm, and thanks for sharing it with us!



I was expecting my first child. We found out we were having fraternal twins. (My mom was an identical twin.) Sadly, one of them didn't make it. I was about 2 months from my due date. So they put me in the hospital, then home on bed rest. I had a lot of tests and ultrasounds, but like your experience, they couldn't tell the sex of the surviving twin. She was turned and we didn't want to do any invasive test. I wanted to know because DH was painting the room. So we decided to go with a light green. He put a border up of sheep facing each other and hearts in the middle. I loved that room.




She was due December 8 and they hoped to hold me until Thanksgiving. She was born November 1.  Smiley Happy



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Re: I'm Pregnant

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@KBEANS   I initially misread you as saying "I was pregnant at 81 with my first child". I thought, wow you go girl!  Then I reread it and breathed a sigh of relief for you. 

@Monicakm Beautiful picture.  So sorry for the loss of your mom.

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Re: I'm Pregnant

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@Elodie2 wrote:

@KBEANS   I initially misread you as saying "I was pregnant at 81 with my first child". I thought, wow you go girl!  Then I reread it and breathed a sigh of relief for you. 

@Monicakm Beautiful picture.  So sorry for the loss of your mom.

Aye Yae Yae!  😝 @Elodie2 

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@monicakm You look adorable. Our lives are so similar. We are the same age. I also had a daughter born in November 1981....We got married in August of many similarities!!!1

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Saw this post,thought  at first  you were now expecting!!!

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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@monicakm I wonder if that blackberry shade was a precursor to Chanel's famous Vamp.


You look adorable in that photo. I hope you are staying strong and enjoying good memories of your mother. When my dad died, we laughed and cried a lot.