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~Have you ever wanted to be eaten by a snake?~

Well I have the show for you:Wink

<h1>Wildlife filmmaker to be EATEN ALIVE by anaconda using snake-proof suit as cameras record it all</h1>
  • Naturalist Paul Rosolie will document what it's like to be swallowed whole by a serpent for a Discovery Channel special to air December 7


or if you prefer to google yourself:

Belly of the beast: In Eaten Alive, filmmaker Paul Rosolie intends to don the bulky suit and then willingly feed himself the Amazonian serpent, the largest of which can measure 30 feet long

Belly of the beast: In Eaten Alive, filmmaker Paul Rosolie intends to don the bulky suit and then willingly feed himself the Amazonian serpent, the largest of which can measure 30 feet long

Rosolie's custom snake suit, seen here briefly in a Discovery Channel video, is designed to protect the naturalist as he's

Rosolie's custom snake suit, seen here briefly in a Discovery Channel video, is designed to protect the naturalist as he's

Not surprising, 26-year-old Rosolie disagrees.

'If u know me - I would never hurt a living thing,' Rosolie tweeted. But you'll have to watch to find out how it goes down!'

Rosolie, who's been dubbed the 'Indiana Jones of the Amazon,' specializes in the Amazon and his website bio says his experience also covers 'locations in India, Indonesia, Brazil and Peru.'

Experienced or not, some have called for Discovery to cancel Rosolie's show altogether.

A petition to that effect sprung up and is close to its goal of 500 signatures.

'This is animal abuse to the highest degree and absolutely disgusting, and could kill the snake - an adult green anaconda cannot fit the width of an adult man's shoulders into it's body,' reads the petition.

Click on link for the rest of the story.


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Re: ~Have you ever wanted to be eaten by a snake?~

I think it is cruel....I would not watch.
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Registered: ‎06-20-2010

Re: ~Have you ever wanted to be eaten by a snake?~

I don't think I'll watch.

How are they goings to get him out? Won't that hurt the snake?

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Re: ~Have you ever wanted to be eaten by a snake?~

I would rather see him get eaten by a bear and torn limb by limb.
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Re: ~Have you ever wanted to be eaten by a snake?~

I briefly saw the promo for this show and wondered how they were going to get him out. Going to check out the link now.

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Re: ~Have you ever wanted to be eaten by a snake?~

Desperate for rating....
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Re: ~Have you ever wanted to be eaten by a snake?~

Have I ever wanted to be eaten by a snake? Ummm, NO! I get the shivers just looking at them through glass at the zoo. I saw the preview for that show Sunday night during Nik Wallenda's wire walk. I can't imagine anyone wanting to be swallowed by a giant snake, but I bet it makes for good television. Not sure whether I will watch it or not. Obviously the guy survived so I guess things turned out okay. Just when you think you've seen everything....

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Re: ~Have you ever wanted to be eaten by a snake?~


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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: ~Have you ever wanted to be eaten by a snake?~

From what I am hearing there is a special device to pull him back out of the belly of the snake.

I think I have heard it all now.


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Re: ~Have you ever wanted to be eaten by a snake?~

This is just stupid. Dangerous for both man and animal. I won't be watching either.