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Re: HOW? Changing Registered Email

@oceanjade wrote:

I have a secondary email and wasn't thinking and used my regular one. If I can't change it , I'm outta here and NO MORE SHOPPING AT QVC EITHER.....DO YOU HEAR ME QVC???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Do you mean that you have a secondary account with QVC? Under the New standards, a person can only sign in under one account. I guess this is to prevent multiple nics. Now maybe we won't see the same person arguing with themself. (joke)


Just curious, however, as to why you don't want to post under your regular account?

I Discovered That I Can Be Myself Without the Sky Falling In
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Re: HOW? Changing Registered Email

[ Edited ]

doobdoo. that's how i have my settings. So why are people worried?

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Registered: ‎06-27-2010

Re: HOW? Changing Registered Email

@missy1 wrote:

doobdoo. that's how i have my settings. So why are people worried?


My guess is the addition of extensive settings, many of which are hard to decipher and which have the potential to allow our personal infomation to be shared with others.  At a minimum, some might be concerned about more spam being sent to our email address.  Then again, it's understandable that the repeated, major website problems  on (such as the time we all began seeing other customers' account numbers and email addresses on our sign-in screen)  have caused many of us to be wary.

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