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Posts: 2,481
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Being the food hounds that they are I would definitely feed separately and watch them when cookies , treats or chewy toys are involved. It seems like they get their spot where they want to sleep and they do not want another in it .

I am glad you rescue dogs in need.

Do the other two sleep with you ? My two sleep on top of each other in what I call a puppy pile.


I can not wait to hear that they are getting along better.

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 10
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Oh yes the other 2 sleep in the bed with us. Rachel sleeps on the pillows unless she gets cold then it is under the covers right next to Patrick. Marty will sleep in a crate in the bedroom so he isn't alone.

I have a feeling this may take some time couple of weeks or so but I'm sure it will all work out in the end.

Thank you

Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,481
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

hahaahahaha. It sounds like they allow you to sleep in ""their bed"".


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Registered: ‎09-04-2010

My ex neighbor had 2 doxie's and they always slept together and under the covers. They were always cold. She bathed them a lot and I got her a baby play pen so she would bathe them and put them outside in the sun to let them dry. It was so cute.

My other neighbor has three, two she adopted and then got a third one and they all run around together very nicely.

The man around the corner has four.

I found a puppy mill doxie male that someone threw out of their car on my street so I took him in and my nurse wanted him for her parents. They already had an older one but they would fight with their son over who got to keep the dog for the night. They were splitting their time back and forth. She saw the new one who was around 6 and was probably a male stud, poor thing but they took him, got him fixed and the two males got along great. They each had their own now and they are together all day. Happy ending for this little mini guy, he was very sweet. I really wanted to keep him but I already had three dogs and a cat.

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 10
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Marty had his first vet visit today nice and healthy. He dose have 2 baby teeth that should have came out at about 3-4 months old but haven't so he will go back in a month if they haven't fallen out then we will have them pulled like the vet suggested.

Then we went and got what is called a SuperYard fancy name for a enclosed play area so he can have room for his toys and his own private feeding area.

Rachel has excepted him totally. Patrick and him are touching noses we are just taking it day by day. The cat thought he was going too tease him the other night and show him who was boss did not quite work out like the cat thought it would Marty chased the cat through the family room then the dinning room then the living room not once but twice. Finally the cat gave up flopped on the floor so Marty went over and the cat give him a kiss as if he was saying I like you that was fun.

Thank you all so very much for all the suggestions and help.
