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Gracie'sMom - Biopsy Results

Hopefully you see this. I didn't want to keep going in the other thread.

Unfortunately the results came back positive. We are meeting with oncologist today to discuss our options. {#emotions_dlg.crying}

I did take her to the ER Sunday because of the breathing issues and not eating, had her spend the night. She did fine there and ate a little bit for them. I picked her up last night and her breathing was normal and she had a quiet night. However, she wouldn't eat.

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Re: Gracie'sMom - Biopsy Results

Oh, RedConvertibleGirl, I'm so so sorry about the positive results!!!!!!

Please let me know what the oncologist says--use this thread so your posts don't get lost in the other one.

Have you tried to feed her plain boiled chicken--maybe she'll eat that? Is there any other foods she can't resist? Maybe one of those will spur her to eat.

And the breathing issues--did the ER vet say what it might be?

I will pray for your beloved fur baby……keep me updated!!

God Bless,


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Re: Gracie'sMom - Biopsy Results

The ER vet suggested a scope. The person that does the scoping is her internist. Since she spent the night there he saw her Monday. He couldn't really say why she is so congested. It could be part of the cancer or not. Right now we aren't worrying about that - her lungs and everything else are fine.

When she gets like this, it won't matter what we try and feed her if she doesn't want to eat. She had a few bites of toast and peanut butter and that was all. They did tell me she might not eat much last night.

One of the concerns with the new cancer is she would need to be taken off the prednisone that she needs for her IBD. The internist said there are other things we could give her though for that.

It's been a very rough couple of days.

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Re: Gracie'sMom - Biopsy Results

I wish I had more comforting words for you, aside that I will continue to pray for your beloved fur baby!

Hopefully she will get her appetite back as the days go forward. What does the vet say about her not eating? Does he have any suggestions? Maybe something that will stimulate her appetite? There are drugs that work on that for humans--there must be something out there for dogs.

Maybe the oncologist can suggest something?

I know how difficult the last few days have been for you----it's extremely tough when a loved pet gets so ill---we went through it ten years ago when our Lab-mix got sick with cancer---all you can do is the best you can--and that miracles do happen.

Let me know what the oncologist says today.

God Bless,


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Re: Gracie'sMom - Biopsy Results

So sorry.
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Re: Gracie'sMom - Biopsy Results

You are not alone. We also got word last week that our baby Sophie has cancer of the mouth. It is rapidly growing, but right now she only has difficulty breathing when she is eating. It's so hard to see our once smiling little girl look so sad. They bring so much love and happiness into our lives, it's heartbreaking to let them go.

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Re: Gracie'sMom - Biopsy Results

{#emotions_dlg.sad} I am so sorry .. every time I read these posts it takes a peace of my soul. It is a very sad, part of being a pet parent. We have all been there and know how it feels you and your fur children are in my prayers.

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Re: Gracie'sMom - Biopsy Results

And the hits just keep coming.

After one year of being in remission, her lymphoma is back. So now we have not one, but two cancers to deal with. The oncologist said the transitional carcinoma kind of takes a back seat for now.

Honestly, I'm not sure what we're going to do. Finances are a HUGE concern right now. With all of her health issues over the past year I can't even tell you how much we've spent. Easily $13,000. I don't care about the money. But I do care that now it's a concern, and it's unfair that my decisions have to based on that.

She will be on a higher dose of prednisone for a week. The oncologist will be emailing me the choices of chemo protocols. Then we will decide how to proceed. I asked her if it was her dog what would she do. She didn't hesitate to say chemo because our girl is doing well, she has plenty of life left in her. And she did better than average with the last round of chemo.

She's still breathing good today. The oncologist said that everything we described about the breathing and the not eating were signs of the lymphoma. Perhaps, but I'm not totally convinced on it just yet. I still think somehow it has to be related to the environment, but I don't know.

Right now my head is just kind of spinning.

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Re: Gracie'sMom - Biopsy Results

I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. I've had three dogs with cancer, and it's really hard. Chemo wasn't suggested for any of mine, and when they quit eating anything I would give them or cook for them was when I knew it was time to let them go. My sister's golden retriever went through chemotherapy. I would never be able to afford to do it, and agree that it's terrible to have to make decisions for our wonderful pets based on money. Like you, I do the best for my pets re: vet care and spend a fortune on it, but chemo wouldn't be something that I could do.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Gracie'sMom - Biopsy Results

I am so sorry you are all going through this--I will be thinking of you all.