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If a doctor sends a referral to a Specialist are they suppose to call you for an appt or do I call them and make an appointment ? Need Cataract Surgery..UGH!

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I was recently referred and a few days later, I received a text and email with the number to call them to schedule.  That was different.  


I usually give the specialist's office 3-4 days to call me.  If they don't, then I call them.

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@89135 wrote:

If a doctor sends a referral to a Specialist are they suppose to call you for an appt or do I call them and make an appointment ? Need Cataract Surgery..UGH!

I've had it go both ways.  If you haven't gotten a call yet, call them.  They will be able to locate the order if one has been sent. 

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When my PCP recommends a specialist, to clarify, I always ask if I'm to contact them, or expect for them to contact me. Docs always seem to think we know what they're thinking. Depending on the situation, or urgency, it can be different.


Sometimes they mention a specialist and it's more of a possible recommendation for the future. It can get confusing. 


If it's something needing more prompt attention, I'm usually told to wait for their contact and if they don't within a certain number of days, to notify my PCP.


Not a problem. With my recent event, I heard back from the referral in two days, with a prompt set up visit, with gallbladder surgery scheduled for the following day. It all went so fast, my head was spinning.


Very efficient process. I had nothing to do but show up and follow instructions. 

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I always call but after I checked with my insurance company to see if they're in network.

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@89135 wrote:

If a doctor sends a referral to a Specialist are they suppose to call you for an appt or do I call them and make an appointment ? Need Cataract Surgery..UGH!

@89135 I feel your anxiety but honestly both my cataract surgeries were easier than a tooth cap or certainly than a root canal.  I really had little discomfort and no pain.  


I whined until my doc ordered me a pill to "relax" me before and was in a jolly old mood by the time I was prepped!  I highly recommend!  

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I fortunately don't need a referral but I'm having knee replacement in two weeks and my doctor sent over a referral to a place that is absolutely horrible. It's nothing but a patient mill. I already knew who I wanted to see so it didn't matter who he referred me to I wasnt going to go to them.  It's been about a month and so far they haven't contacted me and I don't care. Make sure you check out the referral carefully and if you don't like them get others. My husband once had a referral to an eye specialist and after looking at reviews online there is no way he would see that doctor. I request two more and got one that was great.

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@89135 wrote:

If a doctor sends a referral to a Specialist are they suppose to call you for an appt or do I call them and make an appointment ? Need Cataract Surgery..UGH!




I had the two cataract surgeries last year and they were a breeze.


The only thing I still find odd about the whole process was the cost of the eye drops, which need to be applied for a week after, during the healing.


Both surgeries cost me $0 co-pay.   The eye drops cost me $130 .... and my prescriptions are usually also $0 co-pay.


I still haven't figured that one out, lol.  

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Mine have always called me.

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Any insurances I have had since I started working 40 years I have never needed a referral, I have been very lucky 

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