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Re: Congratulations Jessa and Ben!

They count on others to support them because their family's so big and they can't afford everything they want. Like these huge weddings with volunteers doing the work and supplying food most people would pay for themselves, TLC finished building their house and decorated and furnished it (did TLC donate the wedding dresses?). They rely on TV show money and benefits to pay their way but if something goes wrong or the viewers stop watching the house of cards might collapse. I still can't believe people know reality shows aren't real but decide to believe this one.Smiley Happy

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Re: Congratulations Jessa and Ben!

This is another reality show that seems very scripted to me. I saw a rerun over the summer where his sisters were showing her how to cook his favorite meal. If he were my son, I'd have done everything I could to talk him into waiting a while longer to get married.
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Re: Congratulations Jessa and Ben!

On 11/2/2014 YorkieonmyPillow said:

The Bates family is coming back, too, with a new show. Believe it starts in Jan. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

The veiwers want a Bates-Duggar wedding.

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Re: Congratulations Jessa and Ben!

On 11/2/2014 wildcat fan said: This is another reality show that seems very scripted to me. I saw a rerun over the summer where his sisters were showing her how to cook his favorite meal. If he were my son, I'd have done everything I could to talk him into waiting a while longer to get married.

Daddy Duggar has complete control in what is shown. He doesn't want anything "bad" going out. Got to keep their squeaky clean image up. I would like to see what is not shown.

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Re: Congratulations Jessa and Ben!

On 11/2/2014 patbz said: Did Jim Bob give them a house or did he kick out his other daughter and her DH and give them that one? I thought it very odd he let the other couple live in the renovated home until "it sold". How long does it take in Arkansas to sell a nicely renovated house?

Ol' Jim Bob used that storyline to feature the house on the show as a free way to advertise it for sale.

They used Jill's wedding as the finale for ratings.

They'll use Jessa's wedding to start the new season for ratings. Jim Bob will "give' them another house to live in, just like he "gave" Ben a job.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if the house he gives them is another one he's trying to renovate and sell.

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- Augustine

Be Vigilent
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Re: Congratulations Jessa and Ben!

I would love a Bates/Duggar wedding. I don't think there is much cost in the weddings. Lots of volunteers and just cake, root beer floats etc. To feed their guests.
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Re: Congratulations Jessa and Ben!

I hope their marriage works out, actually I think he is 19 and she is 21. Way too young to marry, I hope he acts more responsible now that he is married! He has a big family too, he has a sister or brother only 5 yrs old, and his father is only 39!

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Re: Congratulations Jessa and Ben!

Very lovely couple and nice family. I find it very sad many are bashing this family.

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Re: Congratulations Jessa and Ben!

Well I could see Jana marrying a Bates boy. They have some cute looking guys.

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Re: Congratulations Jessa and Ben!

On 11/1/2014 minkbunny said:

Wishing them well. The girls are all so pretty, such lovely skin and hair.

I just made that same observation yesterday. All the girls are pretty and have nice skin and hair!! The show does seem to focus more on the girls than their brothers....