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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

@SaveTheTurtles wrote:

My sons furnace is almost 50 years old. It's running on borrowed time for sure....



My MIL has a 50 year old refrigerator? LOL!!!

It still works. 

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Posts: 15,159
Registered: ‎03-11-2010



I was wondering what R32 was since I have never heard of that one. 

A few years back when I was reading about the R454B I thought I don't want one of those. My AC guy said last year while at the house they had not made an ac unit for the new R454B yet?

Even though ours still works think we will switch it out.  

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Registered: ‎10-09-2023

@Nightowlz wrote:

@SaveTheTurtles wrote:

My sons furnace is almost 50 years old. It's running on borrowed time for sure....



My MIL has a 50 year old refrigerator? LOL!!!

It still works. 

I'm not trying to one up you or anything, really I'm not...but I just remembered my parents GE stove that works great, better than any that you can buy today and it is from the late 50's. We just sold the house as they are both gone now and that stove went with it! 😊