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Registered: ‎04-25-2010

Attention Widows of the Widows Thread......

Because the Q has changed their rules, I will be starting a new Widows Thread soon. It will have the same name and run for three months. After three months a new tread will start. Please look for the thread. I will post on the current Widows Thread when the change will happen. We love our group of ladies and want you to post on the new thread. This thread gives support and love to widows in all stages of widowhood. Please look for the new thread when I post the change. Thank you and may God give you all peace and comfort.

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Posts: 150
Registered: ‎10-11-2010

Re: Attention Widows of the Widows Thread......



I will be looking for the new Widows Thread... Thank you for letting us know..