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Re: Are there any adult children still living in your home?

My 25 year old daughter may be moving back in - she is a teacher making $42K per year rents in Portland Maine if you can find an apartment are $1500 - $2000 a month,  how can you afford that making $40K per year?  We are fine if she moves back in for awhile, she had her own apartment for the last year but is moving to a diffent area school with much higher rents.  Not sure how people are affording these high rents now and how will they ever save for a house?

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Re: Are there any adult children still living in your home?

@TurnerGal wrote:

My 25 year old daughter may be moving back in - she is a teacher making $42K per year rents in Portland Maine if you can find an apartment are $1500 - $2000 a month,  how can you afford that making $40K per year?  We are fine if she moves back in for awhile, she had her own apartment for the last year but is moving to a diffent area school with much higher rents.  Not sure how people are affording these high rents now and how will they ever save for a house?



They are affording the high rents by having three to four adults living in the same apartment.  It is almost impossible to find street parking in many apartment complexes.  Most apartment complexes only give two parking spaces and there are usual one to two extra cars that park on the street.

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Re: Are there any adult children still living in your home?

My son isstill  in college now.  He'll still be home afterwards.  He has to save money.  And he won't be able to living in an apartment.  


Everyone of my brothers and sisters stayed home after college. I never lived in an apartment.  I saved my money.  I was determined to get a house.  My future husband was of the same mlind.  He moved out of the house at 27.  We bothed pooled our savings and purchased a house with a down payment. 

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Re: Are there any adult children still living in your home?

All three of my adult children live on their own, but that was not always the case.


My daughter, the oldest, has moved in and out a few times before she got married at almost age 30.


My oldest son went into the military, then moved home with a wife when he got out.  They had a baby and all three lived here for about two years.  They then bought a house.


A few years later, they built a new home and they and two children by now moved back in with us again until the house was built.


My youngest son lived at home into his mid 30's.  He bought a house and moved out.  He is still single.


All of my children live in nicer homes than I do and in better upscale neighborhoods.  I am proud of them.


I am Italian.  Italian families do not take kindly to single adult children moving out.  It is not unusual for adult children to live at home. Multi-generational families are quite normal.


My husband, I and our three children lived with my windowed father when we sold our house and were waiting for our new build to be finished.  

He begged and pleaded for us to continue to live with him.  

If any of my adult children, spouses or grandkids wanted to move in with door is open.


Both of my granddaughters who are in college have asked me several times over the years if they needed a place to stay, could they live with me.  The answer was always "yes" in a quick heartbeat.  I think they were testing me.  Their parents would always let them live at home with them for as long as necessary.


i just don't understand the need to get adult children to move out and live on their long as they are employed and not causing any trouble.



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Re: Are there any adult children still living in your home?

we have no children



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Re: Are there any adult children still living in your home?

Both of my children graduated college, one lives in another state, the other in another city in my home state.  Both have great jobs, nice homes and travel when they can.


Neither one ever came back to live here, but during their college days we helped pay their rent and a few groceries to help them along.  We didn't receive any help when we were young and struggled along.  So I guess that was my way of saying I didn't want them to have as hard of a time getting on their feet as we did back in the 80's.

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Re: Are there any adult children still living in your home?

Both of my sons were married soon after completing their post graduate degrees. They moved directly into their own homes. They did come home each summer and worked at my husband's company.


We are a very close family and I am thankful they live close. We see them 5-6 days a week and they always, always help us out when we need a hand.


We would not mind if they needed/wanted to live with us. Our family home is quite large and we could accommodate both sons and their families. They only way I see that happening is if my oldest son moves in when we get older and can no longer take care of oursleves.

"What we practice daily is what we build a life on. Practice peace, love & kindness."
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Re: Are there any adult children still living in your home?

Currently having this conversation with DS. His rent looks like it is going to go up by $500 this fall. Like why is he giving a corporaate landlord nearly $2k a month?


He has 4 friends, all single college grads with good jobs who have moved back home. To save $ and pay off student debt.


We are in the early talking phase. This isn't going to end anytime soon. The silence is deafening.

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Re: Are there any adult children still living in your home?

COVID?????   Why would that be a factor now?  My nephew his wife and daughter lived with us for six years.  They moved out in November.  Granted in 2020 and 2021 everything was easier for all of us with them here.  But the real reason they stayed was to pay off their credit card debt and to repair their credit ratings and Dave some money so they could move into their own place.  A decent and safe place.  I liked having them here but I'm happy with just hubby and me.  



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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Are there any adult children still living in your home?



My sister and I are first generation Italian also.  My dad's belief was that we either leave in a wedding dress or a coffin.  We were not even allowed to go away to college.  Dad eased up a bit by the time my sister went to school.


I completely understand what you wrote.  


I remember when my sister got married and I actually moved out (I was 30) weeks apart.  I would answer my phone and a man would be crying on the other end.  One time dad said to me "if I should die, don't blame yourself".  Yikes!  


After my sister had her first child, Eddie's crib went in my old bedroom, and that baby actually saved me!


Gotta love the Italian families!