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Are there any adult children still living in your home?

Just wonder how things are working out now, since the Covid time.

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Re: Are there any adult children still living in your home?

Our son is 23 and still lives with us.  He finished college just about a year ago.  He thinks he'll be able to move out at the end of summer.  There is no rush.  I want him to have savings, a car of his own, be able to get a little bit of furniture.  Trying to do for him because I wish someone would have for me.  

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Re: Are there any adult children still living in your home?

@DrakesMomma you are a wonderful and wise mother.You''ll never regret it.

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Re: Are there any adult children still living in your home?

@IMW   -   Thank you for your kind words!! Heart

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Re: Are there any adult children still living in your home?

Yes. He currently works full-time and is in his last semester for his accounting degree. He is a blessing to my husband and me.

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Re: Are there any adult children still living in your home?


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Re: Are there any adult children still living in your home?

No. Two sons got their degrees, gainfully employed and loans repaid. Productive Americans.
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Re: Are there any adult children still living in your home?

Yes, our adult daughter is back home after escaping an abusive marriage, nothing to do with COVID.


She's been here for 3 years now and is such a help to me, since my health is not good at all.


I hope she plans on staying here till I draw my last breath!Heart

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Registered: ‎06-25-2022

Re: Are there any adult children still living in your home?

This seems to be the generation that lives at home with parents. Various ages. Just had a conversation with a neighbor about this. She seemed to believe they're being raised this way, I seem to see migating circumstances. One of our neighbors has three adults from 30 to 40 in her house. Days today say we can't judge, but it's not my situation. Raised 5 and they all are either married with families and careers or single and working. One thing I do see different than my experience/ generation, they simply are not settling down as we did. Culture, economy, or other. Not sure.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Are there any adult children still living in your home?

My daughter and I live together now---- she moved home during the recession in 2008/09----was there to help me when I went thru breast cancer in 2012 and was working full time. Then I went thru a divorce in 2021 and we moved to an apartment. We share expenses--she is not married and no kids, just us 2. Works very well.