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I am an only child, and I hate it. I know that even if I had one sibling, that it would be no guarantee that I would have help in taking care of my 88 year old father.

It just gets so dam frustrating being a care-taker sometimes.

That's the part that nobody likes to talk about.

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Yep, an only child as well. Actually, I was adopted at 4 days old and the doctor delivered me to my new home on my dad's birthday.

When my mother passed, I asked my dad if he was ok with me trying to locate my birth mother and he said ok. It took me about 6 weeks to locate her and it turned out she only lived about 15 minutes from where I grew up.

After meeting her, I was very happy she gave me up for adoption. It wasn't exactly a great meeting.

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Couldn't even begin to fathom being an "only". I have an older brother, older sister and 3 younger brothers. I love that I have siblings…love my nieces and nephews, and really enjoy family get-togethers.


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On 11/8/2014 stargazer said:

Only child here. Hated it all my life and was not spoiled, almost the opposite. I have two grown daughters. One east coast and one west. They hardly ever speak and see each other. Makes me so sad.

Yes, well having a brother +/or sister is no guarantee you will be close or even like each other. Life is a lonely journey with or without siblings.

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I am! Whenever we went on vacation, I was allowed to take a friend with me so it was like having a part time sister. Smiley Happy. I'm very close to my parents and I will have to move closer to them in a few years to help them out. I do feel like Im more independent than a lot of my friends who have siblings.
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Yep, another only child here. It was great when I was growing up, all my friends had brothers and/or sisters and they would tell me they thought I was lucky. Now that I am older and both my parents are gone I wish I had siblings that I was close to.

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On 11/8/2014 Skylands said:
On 11/8/2014 stargazer said:

Only child here. Hated it all my life and was not spoiled, almost the opposite. I have two grown daughters. One east coast and one west. They hardly ever speak and see each other. Makes me so sad.

Yes, well having a brother +/or sister is no guarantee you will be close or even like each other. Life is a lonely journey with or without siblings.

I've never felt lonely. It is said that only children learn at an early age to entertain ourselves.

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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On 11/8/2014 Plaid Pants said:

I am an only child, and I hate it. I know that even if I had one sibling, that it would be no guarantee that I would have help in taking care of my 88 year old father.

It just gets so dam frustrating being a care-taker sometimes.

That's the part that nobody likes to talk about.

I can totally empathize with you Plaid Pants. After my mom died I moved from another state to live with my father and help care for him. Over the past couple years his health started to fail and it was a full-time job. I would do it all again because I wasn't around when my mother died and I didn't want to make that mistake with my father...he and I were very close, I was a "daddy's girl". He passed away this April at almost 89 years old and I miss him beyond words. There were many times I got so very frustrated being all alone caring for him with no help, but I would do it all again if I could have him back.

Your father is lucky to have your care. Try to cherish the good moments even though what you are doing is hard work. Take time for often the care-takers put themselves last, but it's important to take care of you too. (((Hugs))) to you, and remember you aren't alone, many people are in a similar situation but you are correct, it's not a conversation people enjoy talking about.

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I am an only child, but always wished I'd had siblings. I was the major focus of my parents and was extremely sheltered. My husband and I have 3 children, no only children for me!

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On 11/8/2014 Plaid Pants said:

I am an only child, and I hate it. I know that even if I had one sibling, that it would be no guarantee that I would have help in taking care of my 88 year old father.

It just gets so dam frustrating being a care-taker sometimes.

That's the part that nobody likes to talk about.

I brought it up earlier on this line and several of us talked about it. The main point was there's also no guarantee of siblings helping.

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices