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Does anyone know if this product has been discontinued?  I've bought the clearless one several times from QVC in the travel size as well as the regular size but now it seems it's hard to find.  Does anyone know of another product that works like this did--blotting oil and giving a more matte appearance?  If so, please share what it is and where you purchased.  I'd rather use something like this than powder since it didn't make me look cakey.

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Re: Molly's Poreless Defender

I really loved this product, too, and I'm all out.  I went to Ulta and purchased it in a set that came with a shadow stick and lipgloss.  Was very disappointed to get it home and find that this star product is now made in China. 

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Registered: ‎06-26-2011

Re: Molly's Poreless Defender

[ Edited ]

This product is a favorite of mine as well.  It is the only thing that keeps my oiliness at bay.  Skinn has a similar product.  It does't help as much with my oiliness, but if that is not as great an issue for you, I saw that Evine has it as a "super bargain" today along with a bronzer. It's called the Plasma Flawless Finish.

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Re: Molly's Poreless Defender

Try finding it on eBay--that's where I got mine.

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Registered: ‎06-07-2010

Re: Molly's Poreless Defender

It's at ultra.

Respected Contributor
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Registered: ‎06-07-2010

Re: Molly's Poreless Defender

Sorry that's ulta

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Re: Molly's Poreless Defender

This is probably my HG product, and I was disappointed to learn it would be back in a new formula. The new owner of Mally probably doesn't want to make it for the same price Mally did, so that's why we see it made in China. 


I've tested many. I have a few of the old Face Defenders left, and I'm "rationing" them. The one I use almost every day now is Benefit's dr. feelgood mattifying balm. I bought mine at Sephora, but I think Ulta might have it. It was affordable too. It has a scent to it, but it doesn't bother me. I don't like it as much as the old Mally version, but it works about the same. Smiley Happy