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Wen - 32oz. Seasonal Cleansing Conditioner A-D Plan -- availability dates & cost benefit analysis

Below I've included some information on the availability dates for the 32oz. Seasonal Cleansing Conditioner A-D plan. I've also included a cost benefit analysis comparing the 32oz. Seasonal Cleansing Conditioner plan to the Wen Seasonal Cleansing Conditioners which are likely to be in the upcoming Wen TSV this December.

-- bebe Smile

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Re: Wen - 32oz. Seasonal Cleansing Conditioner A-D Plan -- availability dates & cost benefit analysis




Note: Since I don't work for Wen -- I'm just another very happy Wen customer -- I can't guarentee that Chaz will offer the 32oz. Seasonals A-D Plan every year. I think that he probably will, but I don't have any insider info. My focus is just to share the past history of Wen products offered, since Wen rollouts tends to follow a predictable pattern (but sometimes things change). -- bebe Smile


The annual 32oz. Seasonals Cleansing Conditioner A-D plan has been offered for the past two years beginning in September (the very end of this post has more information in this).

In 2012, they were first debuted at the end of the Fall TSV show (around 12:50am ET). There had been no advance notice about this A-D plan and it was completely sold out by around 10am that same morning. If you didn't watch the midnight show, you were out of luck.

In 2013, we all knew they were probably coming, but we didn't know when they would be presented. Most people were surprised when the 32oz. Seasonal plan was not presented on the day for the Fall TSV. Chaz decided to present the Seasonal plan three weeks later when he first launched the 613 gallons.

Last year the 32oz. Seasonal A-D plan was available from September 19th through October 31st. I believe Chaz had mentioned that the plan would only be available though October 31 (so this information was known in advance). Then the Seasonal plan became available again on November 20th until the end of the month which was a welcome bonus (thanks Chaz!!).

My sense is that Chaz is going to do his best to make the 32oz. Seasonal A-D plan available for as long as he can. You just have to remember that Wen is a relatively small company and so Chaz's ability to increase the total amount of product available is limited.

I don't think there's any need to worry about missing out on the upcoming 32oz. Seasonal A-D plan. What's important is to make your decision in advance on whether or not you want to order it (you've got 3-4 months to make this decision *s*). For this year, I think the people who miss out on it will be those who are indecisive and take weeks to make their final decision.

The way the 32oz. Seasonals A-D plan works is that, on order to be enrolled in it, you have to purchase the 32oz. Fall Seasonal CC (there's no way around this). After that, if your don't like a particular Seasonal you can always skip it. You just need to let QVC customer service know in advance of the shipment (or make the changes online). For each shipment, you can either increase or decrease the number of bottles you want for that Seasonal (I think the maximum shipment is 5-6 bottles). If you need more that that, you can always set up multiple 32oz. Seasonal A-D plans in the Fall.

For this year, it seems likely that the 32oz. Seasonal A-D plan will be presented either when Chaz's has his Fall TSV (probably late August) or when he makes the 613 gallons available again (probably later in September).

-- bebe Smile


Information on 32oz. Seasonal CC plans, TSVs, & 613 gallon offerings for September 2013 and September 2012 from the Wen TSVs going back to December 2009 -- items in TSV kits and prices thread


Sept 2013 - Annual 32 oz. Seasonal CCs A-D plan -- listed on 9/20 at 3pm ET and available through 10/31; on 11/20 made avail. again through 11/30 -- (A241088) -- $50

Sept 2013 - 613 CC Gallons -- 1st shipment: $12.72 S&H / 2nd shipment: S&H free -- gallons sold out in 2 days: from 9/19 at 1:12am ET to 9/21 at 1:40am ET -- $199

Sept 2013 - TSV (8/31) - WEN by ChazDean Cleanse & Treat Collection with Seasonal Scent -- 32 oz. CC, 16 oz. Seasonal CC, 2 oz. treatment oil, 2 oz. Seasonal RTM -- $60


Sept 2012 - Annual 32 oz. Seasonal CCs A-D plan -- sold out in 10 hours; I think it was offered on TSV day (9/1), just before 1am ET -- $50

Sept 2012 - TSV (9/1) - WEN by ChazDean Cleanse, Travel, & Treat 4-pc Collection -- 32 oz. CC, 8 CC travel packets, 4 oz. re-moist, 2 oz. RTM -- $60


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Re: Wen - 32oz. Seasonal Cleansing Conditioner A-D Plan -- availability dates & cost benefit analysis




Note: Since I don't work for Wen -- I'm just another very happy Wen customer -- I can't guarentee that Chaz will offer the 32oz. Seasonals A-D Plan or the December Seasonals TSV every year. I think that he probably will, but I don't have any insider info. My focus is just to share the past history of Wen products offered, since Wen rollouts tends to follow a predictable pattern (but sometimes things change).


From a cost benefit perspective, if you think you are going to buy all four Seasonal Cleansing Conditioners, then the December Seasonals TSV may be more cost effective than the 32oz. Seasonal A-D plan. For the past two years, the December TSV has included (5) 16oz. CC bottles which has included the four Seasonals for that calendar year plus POM (also soy-based). Of course, there's no way to know what this December TSV will include, but I think it's likely to have the same format.

The total cost including S&H of 32oz. of Seasonal CCs is $36 in the December TSV versus $56.72 for the 32oz. Seasonal A-D plan.

At the end of this post, I've also included a per bottle cost breakdown in case you don't like all of the scents. You'd still be saving money even if you only liked four of the scents. If you only like three if the scents, your total cost is only about $3 more than for the. You can always gift the scents you're not that fond of to someone who likes those scents (or trade them).

I had been thinking of going on the 32oz. Seasonal A-D plan this fall, but after crunching these numbers I think I'll just stick with the December TSV for my Seasonal CC needs. I tend to like all of the Seasonals and they work equally well on my hair.

I also always purchase the Fall TSV which has included a 16oz. Seasonal CC in it for the past three years. So if I really like a particular Seasonal, I can always get it at a good price by increasing my quantity for that particular TSV shipment. And that also allows me to replenish my core CC stock of TT, BGT, or CA at the same time.

There are a number of different variables that go into deciding what's the best option for each person. I just wanted to share my latest number crunching information.

-- bebe Smile



Cost Analysis for Seasonal CC -- December TSV vs. Seasonal A-D Plan

* below I've calculated the how 16 oz. & 32 oz. of CC *plus* S&H costs out (and there is just a single S&H charge for the multi-piece December TSV):

* December TSV - $80 + $10 S&H - 80 oz. total CC - $18 / $36

* December TSV - only using 4 of the CCs - $22.50 / $45

* December TSV - only using 3 of the CCs - $30 / $60

* Regular price for bottles of Seasonal CC + S&H - $35.22 / $56.72

* 16oz (A89153) - $29 + $6.22 S&H / 32oz (A238707) - $49.50 + $7.22 S&H




The cost analysis below is also in post #1 of the Wen TSVs going back to December 2009 -- items in TSV kits and prices thread:


Price Calculations for Cost of Cleansing Conditioner Portion of TSVs

* assuming you were *just* buying the TSVs for the Cleansing Conditioner portion, below I've calculated the how 16 oz. & 32 oz. of CC *plus* S&H costs out in the various kits (and there is just a single S&H charge for each multi-piece TSV):

* Spring & Fall TSVs - $60 + $8.50 S&H - 48 oz. total CC - $22.83 / $45.66

* December TSV - $80 + $10 S&H - 80 oz. total CC - $18 / $36

* June Gallons - $177 + $8 S&H - 128 oz. total CC - $23.13 / $46.26

Regular price for bottles of Cleansing Conditioner + S&H - $35.22 / $56.72

* 16oz (A89153) - $29 + $6.22 S&H / 32oz (A238707) - $49.50 + $7.22 S&H


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Re: Wen - 32oz. Seasonal Cleansing Conditioner A-D Plan -- availability dates & cost benefit analysis

Big whoop

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Re: Wen - 32oz. Seasonal Cleansing Conditioner A-D Plan -- availability dates & cost benefit analysis

It is a big whoop! Thanks bebe! You are the best!
Smiley Happy Hilary
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Re: Wen - 32oz. Seasonal Cleansing Conditioner A-D Plan -- availability dates & cost benefit analysis

Thank you BeBe, so much for taking the time to break this down for those of us who love Wen, but haven't been Wen girls long enough to know the schedule & pricing of the TSVs Smiley Happy This is SUPER helpful & VERY much appreciated Smiley Happy
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Re: Wen - 32oz. Seasonal Cleansing Conditioner A-D Plan -- availability dates & cost benefit analysis

Bebe, I've never been involved in the December TSV. Do you get all 5 bottles (16oz each) in one shipment? And all of them will be 2014 seasonals if I understand you.

But if you sign up for the 32oz AD Seasonal plan you get the last 2014 seasonal in the first shipment and the option to get each of the first three 2015 seasonals in the 32oz size as they are introduced?

I understand too that it's the only chance to get the seasonals in the 32oz size.

Thanks for your help!!

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Re: Wen - 32oz. Seasonal Cleansing Conditioner A-D Plan -- availability dates & cost benefit analysis

Not Bebe, but yes 5 16 oz. bottles in one shipment, and no not all seasonals--one will be a core formula. Mine was POM, I don't know if it's the same one every year.

You can also sign up for A-D on this, and get another shipment the following June, which will be the previous year's Fall and Winter, the current year's Spring and Summer, and the core formula.

For the 32 oz. AD seasonal, my understanding is you get the Fall and Winter for 2014 (which means 2 for this year) as each one is available, then in 2015 you'll get the Spring and Summer at the appropriate times. I'm definitely going for this, as I love the seasonals so far--well, except for Fall Apple Spice, lol!

ETA--Thanks bebe, you're the best! I will be signing up for those 32 oz. Seasonals.

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Re: Wen - 32oz. Seasonal Cleansing Conditioner A-D Plan -- availability dates & cost benefit analysis

The problem with last December's TSV was that it didn't include all 4 of this years seasonals, unlike the previous year, so a lot of people passed. I was all set to get on the 32oz seasonal AD this year like I did last year but then my hair decided that it doesn't like the seasons except occasionally. I wish I could use them all the time like I used to. I still have SMC and FGP to bottles in my stash.

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Re: Wen - 32oz. Seasonal Cleansing Conditioner A-D Plan -- availability dates & cost benefit analysis

On 5/23/2014 jaxs mom said:

The problem with last December's TSV was that it didn't include all 4 of this years seasonals, unlike the previous year, so a lot of people passed. I was all set to get on the 32oz seasonal AD this year like I did last year but then my hair decided that it doesn't like the seasons except occasionally. I wish I could use them all the time like I used to. I still have SMC and FGP to bottles in my stash.

That's true, but a lot of people also ordered it because it had last year's Spring and Summer flavors, after those were supposed to not be available anymore Wink I hear you on the seasonals though, and I wish I could use them more too!