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O/T importance of lutein and zeaxanthin for your eyes, especially in the spring & summer months

The antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin are essential nutrients for optimal eye health. Our bodies are unable to make these two nutrients which, from a nutritional perspective, is why they are called essential nutrients. Additionally, most people don't eat enough of the foods that have these nutrients. For lutein, this would be a daily serving of peas or a few cups of dark, green leafy vegetables. For zeaxanthin, this would be 4-5 cups of corn or some spirulina (a green algae which tastes awful). Most other food sources would require you to eat many servings of them daily.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are key vision-producing and eye-protecting nutrients and are most highly concentrated in the retina, particularly its macula region. Not only are they most concentrated in the eye, they are also a critical structural part of the macula. They are essential "optical pigments" that protect the lens retina and macula from age-related changes and oxidative damage. They also absorb the harmful blue light frequency and this helps protect the macula and retina from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Today procaps labs is having their annual special on this great supplement and there are some shows on the other shopping network for this. I personally think the procaps lab line of supplements is top notch. Especially in the summer months, when sunlight has a more damaging effect on the eyes & skin, lutein and zeaxanthin become really important nutrients to include in your diet.

Of course it should go without saying -- but I'll say it anyway -- you should always consult with your doctor with regard to your nutritional routine. Your general practitioner may not have heard of these two nutrients but your eye doctor should be familiar with them. -- You can also easily get more information on these nutrients by googling them on some very trusted sites such as webmd, mayo clinic, or the US government's National Institutes of Health (NIH) pubmed dot gov site. The key words to google would be lutein or zeaxanthin, along with key word retina or macula or vision. There's a lot of great info that comes up.

Enjoy today's sunny day. It's finally beginning to feel like spring is in the air!!! {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

-- bebe {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

Posts: 42
Registered: ‎12-09-2012

Re: O/T importance of lutein and zeaxanthin for your eyes, especially in the spring & summer months

20 years ago when first diagnosed with Macular Degeneration my Dr. said "try these vitamins, they might help." Now today everyone recognizes the importance of lutein... I buy at Costco.

And don't forget your sunglasses!


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Posts: 24,570
Registered: ‎10-03-2011

Re: O/T importance of lutein and zeaxanthin for your eyes, especially in the spring & summer months

I bought my last bottle at Costco too - more Lutein and Zeaxanthin than in Lessman's, and a lot less expensive. I wanted to pick some up today, but I forgot to. I looked online and they're out of stock. Even buying them from Amazon Prime is cheaper than Lessman's.

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Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: O/T importance of lutein and zeaxanthin for your eyes, especially in the spring & summer months

On 4/13/2014 HappyMaui said:

20 years ago when first diagnosed with Macular Degeneration my Dr. said "try these vitamins, they might help." Now today everyone recognizes the importance of lutein... I buy at Costco.

And don't forget your sunglasses!


HappyMaui, wow, that is such a devastating diagnosis because there's no real treatment for it. Sunglasses are really your best friend.

I'm really impressed that your doctor knew to recommend lutein and zeaxanthin twenty years ago. Back then most people barely knew how to spell lutein, and zeaxanthin was way off the radar charts. btw, as important as lutein is, zeaxanthin is even more important (and both supplements are crazy expensive). While lutein surrounds the circle of the macula lutea, zeaxanthin is concentrated in the very center of it. The macula lutea is the central point of the eye that light passes through (sort of like the focus on a camera lens). So it takes the brunt of all the UV photo damage. Lutein and zeaxanthin essentially act like sunscreen for the eyes. -- If you have a chance, Lessman has one more show on hsn tonight from 9pm-11pm ET. He always goes into the science behind the ingredients so you might want to check. It's been very interesting this time because he's been sharing a lot of new research on them. lol, he's the Bill Gates of vitamin geeks. {}

-- bebe Smile

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Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: O/T importance of lutein and zeaxanthin for your eyes, especially in the spring & summer months

On 4/13/2014 JeanLouiseFinch said:

I bought my last bottle at Costco too - more Lutein and Zeaxanthin than in Lessman's, and a lot less expensive. I wanted to pick some up today, but I forgot to. I looked online and they're out of stock. Even buying them from Amazon Prime is cheaper than Lessman's.

JLF, I just checked out the procapslabs website and they're still available. Earlier today I bought the 800 cap supply. It's the largest size he's ever done and the best price he's ever offered. I'm a huge fan of the procaps labs line, because I get crazy good results with their supplements. Much better than any other line I've ever tried.

-- bebe Smile

Posts: 42
Registered: ‎12-09-2012

Re: O/T importance of lutein and zeaxanthin for your eyes, especially in the spring & summer months

On 4/13/2014 bebe777 said:
On 4/13/2014 HappyMaui said:

20 years ago when first diagnosed with Macular Degeneration my Dr. said "try these vitamins, they might help." Now today everyone recognizes the importance of lutein... I buy at Costco.

And don't forget your sunglasses!


HappyMaui, wow, that is such a devastating diagnosis because there's no real treatment for it. Sunglasses are really your best friend.

I'm really impressed that your doctor knew to recommend lutein and zeaxanthin twenty years ago. Back then most people barely knew how to spell lutein, and zeaxanthin was way off the radar charts. btw, as important as lutein is, zeaxanthin is even more important (and both supplements are crazy expensive). While lutein surrounds the circle of the macula lutea, zeaxanthin is concentrated in the very center of it. The macula lutea is the central point of the eye that light passes through (sort of like the focus on a camera lens). So it takes the brunt of all the UV photo damage. Lutein and zeaxanthin essentially act like sunscreen for the eyes. -- If you have a chance, Lessman has one more show on hsn tonight from 9pm-11pm ET. He always goes into the science behind the ingredients so you might want to check. It's been very interesting this time because he's been sharing a lot of new research on them. lol, he's the Bill Gates of vitamin geeks. {}

-- bebe Smile

you are right, at that time my Dr. said "there's no real proof, but, some people think it works so it won't hurt to try..." The way he said during our discussion it made me believe he felt strongly about using the vitamins so I did.

I compared the labels on the Lesserman and the Preservision and Occuvite. The Lesserman includes extra things like bilberry which I used to take. I'm thinking of trying a small bottle of the Lesserman to see (ha ha) if I notice a difference.

Thank you for the head's up on this sale.


Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: O/T importance of lutein and zeaxanthin for your eyes, especially in the spring & summer months

On 4/13/2014 HappyMaui said:
On 4/13/2014 bebe777 said:
On 4/13/2014 HappyMaui said:

20 years ago when first diagnosed with Macular Degeneration my Dr. said "try these vitamins, they might help." Now today everyone recognizes the importance of lutein... I buy at Costco.

And don't forget your sunglasses!


HappyMaui, wow, that is such a devastating diagnosis because there's no real treatment for it. Sunglasses are really your best friend.

I'm really impressed that your doctor knew to recommend lutein and zeaxanthin twenty years ago. Back then most people barely knew how to spell lutein, and zeaxanthin was way off the radar charts. btw, as important as lutein is, zeaxanthin is even more important (and both supplements are crazy expensive). While lutein surrounds the circle of the macula lutea, zeaxanthin is concentrated in the very center of it. The macula lutea is the central point of the eye that light passes through (sort of like the focus on a camera lens). So it takes the brunt of all the UV photo damage. Lutein and zeaxanthin essentially act like sunscreen for the eyes. -- If you have a chance, Lessman has one more show on hsn tonight from 9pm-11pm ET. He always goes into the science behind the ingredients so you might want to check. It's been very interesting this time because he's been sharing a lot of new research on them. lol, he's the Bill Gates of vitamin geeks. {}

-- bebe Smile

you are right, at that time my Dr. said "there's no real proof, but, some people think it works so it won't hurt to try..." The way he said during our discussion it made me believe he felt strongly about using the vitamins so I did.

I compared the labels on the Lesserman and the Preservision and Occuvite. The Lesserman includes extra things like bilberry which I used to take. I'm thinking of trying a small bottle of the Lesserman to see (ha ha) if I notice a difference.

Thank you for the head's up on this sale.


HappyMaui, you're most welcome. I adore Andrew's supplements and this is one of my favorites. A few years ago I developed an eye infection over the winter than hung around for three months. I has two different eye doctors (three total visits) and they just told me to continually soak my eyes with a warm cloth. The whole thing was a nightmare. I was getting ready to see a super specialist when my ultimate eye just happened to arrive. What happened next just floored me. -- I took two capsules with my omega-3s (because lutein and zeaxanthin are lipid soluble and prefer a DHA omega-3 solution). About a minute later I could sense that my body was craving more. My body is really sensitive to supplements and this unusual reaction happens sometimes. My body seems to understand what it needs and I've learned to listen to it because it's always right. *s* So I took two more capsules and my body seemed satisfied, so I went to bed. When I woke up the next morning, for the first time in three months, the whites of my eyes were clear white (they had been completely red for the prior three months). It had never even occurred to me that the supplement would fix my eye infection, I was just taking them to protect my eyes from the summer sun. In any case, I haven't had a single problem with my eyes since then and, of course, I now take these caps daily. -- I've had 4-5 other crazy positive experiences with this supplement line which is why I'm so "gung ho" about their line. -- If you do pick them up I'd really be interested in hearing about your results. Btw, Andrew is on hsn right now talking about this supplement.

-- bebe Smile

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Posts: 24,570
Registered: ‎10-03-2011

Re: O/T importance of lutein and zeaxanthin for your eyes, especially in the spring & summer months

On 4/13/2014 bebe777 said:
On 4/13/2014 JeanLouiseFinch said:

I bought my last bottle at Costco too - more Lutein and Zeaxanthin than in Lessman's, and a lot less expensive. I wanted to pick some up today, but I forgot to. I looked online and they're out of stock. Even buying them from Amazon Prime is cheaper than Lessman's.

JLF, I just checked out the procapslabs website and they're still available. Earlier today I bought the 800 cap supply. It's the largest size he's ever done and the best price he's ever offered. I'm a huge fan of the procaps labs line, because I get crazy good results with their supplements. Much better than any other line I've ever tried.

-- bebe Smile

Thanks, bebe, but I was talking about forgetting to pick some up at Costco, and it being out of stock on their website. The Trunature Lutein & Zeaxanthin Vision Complex is the one I use and has higher amounts of each ingredient than Lessman's product, and is significantly less expensive.

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Re: O/T importance of lutein and zeaxanthin for your eyes, especially in the spring & summer months

I started wearing sunglasses when I was in my very early 20's and have never stopped. I do not leave the house without them ever, even for a one or two minute trash drop, and keep an extra pair in the car just in case I leave a pair somewhere or a pair breaks. I think the difference it has made in my eyes has been significant as at one time I was at risk for MD.

The other benefit which I never really thought about back then was that I have minimal aging around my eyes, including no real crow's feet. I certainly have aging issues elsewhere on my face but my eyes really did benefit from never being exposed to the sun without a really good sunglass on. I have not been able to tolerate the sun without glasses after wearing them nonstop for close to 40 years. Even cloudy days are too bright to go without.

I love Andrew's supplements. I also tolerate his better than even the some of the best brands at the local health food stores. He really works hard on making the formulas tolerable for even the most sensitive stomachs and I have been thankful for that. I also like that they are all made right here in America, hence employing American citizens, and all the power in his manufacturing plants is generated from massive solar panels. He has donated millions of pre-natal vitamins to countries all over the world. At least he takes a responsible approach to the environment and humanity.