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Importance of omega-3s for the health of our hair and skin

I take a number of supplements and the omega-3s always make my top five list. Unfortunately, our bodies can't make omega-3s. So taking supplements or eating oily fish such as salmon/mackerel/sardines, on a daily basis, is the only way to make sure we get enough in our diets. Omega-3s are required for healthy hair and skin. For me, it's really like a beauty product because when I added it to my diet my skin got softer and more moisturized. Today at procapslabs dot com they are running their annual one day special on the omega-3s. Of course, in addition to being a beauty product, omega-3s are essential for the health of the heart, brain, eyes, joints, kidneys, liver, bone, tooth and gums as well.

-- bebe Smile

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Re: Importance of omega-3s for the health of our hair and skin

You don't have to eat fish daily. My doctor said 3 times a week is good. She puts more focus on nutrition than supplements, that's why I like her.

Black beans, walnuts and wild rice are also sources of omega-3s.

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Re: Importance of omega-3s for the health of our hair and skin

On 4/6/2014 HonnyBrown said:

You don't have to eat fish daily. My doctor said 3 times a week is good. She puts more focus on nutrition than supplements, that's why I like her.

Black beans, walnuts and wild rice are also sources of omega-3s.

Unfortunately the vegan sources of the omega-3s (flaxseed oil is another excellent source) are all in the ALA form.

The DHA form of omega-3s is the principal form found in the brain, eyes, and I believe the heart as well.

In general, the body uses the fish oil forms of omega-3s -- DHA and EFA -- much more effectively in the body.

ALA has to be converted by the body into either DHA or EPA before it can be utilized. Unfortunately it's a very inefficient conversion. Basically to make one new DHA or EPA molecule, a number of ALA molecules have to be used.

The same is actually true of the conversion of EPA to DHA which is the preferred form of omega-3s for a number of key organs.

From everything I've read, your body operates best when you give it omega-3s (whether in fish or supplement form) on a daily basis. -- I take some daily vitamin supplements that are lipid (fat) soluble and have a preference for EPA (e.g. lutein & zeaxanthin to protect the macula of the eyes). -- If omega-3s are not in the digestive system at the same as these particular nutrients, these nutrients cannot be absorbed by the body and will just go through the intestine as waste material.

Again, from what I've read, these are the recommendations for daily intake of DHA/EFA:

* rock bottom level - 250mg

* general overall consensus - 500 or 800 or 1000 mg daily

* World Health Organization - 2 grams (2,000mg)

* Dr Dean Ornish (famed heart surgeon) - 3 grams (3,000mg)

As more research becomes available, more professionals are recommending that 500mg of the daily intake be of the DHA omega-3.

I take about 3gm of DHA/EPA daily. Probably 1,000-1,200gm of that is of DHA.

-- bebe Smile

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Re: Importance of omega-3s for the health of our hair and skin

I have no idea what you're talking about.

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Re: Importance of omega-3s for the health of our hair and skin


Enjoyed your comments!

Are you a vegan? I eat a vegetarian diet except for some of the dietary supplements my M.D. requires due to an immunological problem I have. He is a vegan and is absolutely great about respecting dietary choices and helping find the least offensive supplements. Having someone who is supportive that is helpful isn't it?

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Re: Importance of omega-3s for the health of our hair and skin

My hubby and I have taken Fish Oil casuals for years and I started giving them to my dogs, I have. 14& 1/2 year old Sheltie that is having health kidney problems and my vet told me I could give him two a day so I guess they work the same way for our pets also. I don't know if they are going to help him or not but no harm either.
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Re: Importance of omega-3s for the health of our hair and skin


Thanx so much for all the info. I ordered the Omegas from HSN. You are very knowledgeable and I appreciate learning about vitamins. (as well as many other things)

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Re: Importance of omega-3s for the health of our hair and skin

On 4/6/2014 HonnyBrown said:

You don't have to eat fish daily. My doctor said 3 times a week is good. She puts more focus on nutrition than supplements, that's why I like her.

Black beans, walnuts and wild rice are also sources of omega-3s.

My doctor told me essentially the same thing just a year ago!

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Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Importance of omega-3s for the health of our hair and skin

On 4/6/2014 HonnyBrown said:

I have no idea what you're talking about.

HonnyBrown, I'm not sure what your question, I'm not sure how to answer you.

-- bebe Smile

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Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Importance of omega-3s for the health of our hair and skin

On 4/6/2014 scottygal said:


Thanx so much for all the info. I ordered the Omegas from HSN. You are very knowledgeable and I appreciate learning about vitamins. (as well as many other things)

scottygal, thank you so much for your kind words. The special today is really a great value, especially the 800 caps size. It compares very favorably with buying the liquid omega-3s in bottles. btw, next weekend Andrew will be having the maximum eye support on special.

-- bebe Smile