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Wen - you use fewer pumps for the 613 Cleansing Conditioner that for all other CCs & suggested number of pumps to use

Since most people just received both a core CC and a 613 CC in the recent Wen TSV, I thought it would be a good idea to post this information.

613 Cleansing Conditioner is more concentrated than all the other CCs, so you use fewer pumps of the 613 CC whenever you cleanse your hair.

For each hair length and CC bottle size, there is more specific information about the exact number of pumps to use in the post below this one.

-- bebe Smile

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Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen - you use fewer pumps for the 613 Cleansing Conditioner that for all other CCs & suggested number of pumps to use

Because 613 CC is more concentrated than all the other CCs, you use fewer pumps of the 613 CC whenever you cleanse your hair.

The information on the back of the Wen CC bottles is somewhat more general and varies a bit. So the information below reflects the recommendations from the website. -- This is followed by information on the number of pumps in each size of the Cleansing Conditioner bottles (note the number of pumps in the 32 oz. bottle is not double the number in the 16 oz. bottle).

The number of pumps indicated is for the entire cleanse. -- Chaz recommends that you cleanse, rinse and repeat, using half the pumps for the first cleanse and the remaining pumps for the second cleanse.

Note: I have listed the 613 CC information first, and this is followed by the information for all the other CCs.




16 oz. Bottle

* short hair -- 8-12 pumps -- 10-16 pumps

* medium length hair -- 12-16 pumps -- 16-24 pumps

* long hair -- 16-20 pumps -- 24-32 pumps

* very long hair -- 20-24 pumps -- 32-40* pumps


32 oz. Bottle

* short hair -- 6-8 pumps -- 6-10 pumps

* medium length hair -- 8-10 pumps -- 10-16 pumps

* long hair -- 10-12 pumps -- 16-20 pumps

* very long hair -- 12-14 pumps -- 21-25* pumps


Gallon Bottle (128 oz.) -- information for all CCs including 613 (613 information per Chaz Dean's Salon)

* short hair -- 1-2 pumps

* medium length hair -- 2-4 pumps

* long hair -- 4-6 pumps

* very long hair -- 5.3-7.5* pumps

Note: For for the category of All CCs Except 613, there were no specific number recommendations for very long hair (though the backs of the 16oz. bottles suggested 30-40 pumps). So I calculated the numbers of pumps for very long hair using on the information available from the "pumps" numbers for shorter hair lengths.*

Longer/Thicker Hair -- If your hair is longer/thicker you may need to increase the amount of pumps. (




* short hair -- hair above your shoulder

* medium length hair -- hair down to your shoulders

* long hair -- hair past your shoulders

* very long hair -- hair to your mid-back


Number of pumps in each size of Cleansing Conditioner bottle

* 6 oz. - 60 pumps

* 16 oz. - 160 pumps

* 32 oz. - 192 pumps

* 128 oz. (gallon) - 128 pumps


Number of pumps in each size of Cleansing Conditioner bottle that equals 1oz.

* 6 oz. bottle - 10 pumps

* 16 oz. bottle - 10 pumps

* 32 oz. bottle - 6 pumps

* 128 oz. bottle (gallon) - 1 pump


Esteemed Contributor
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Re: Wen - you use fewer pumps for the 613 Cleansing Conditioner that for all other CCs & suggested number of pumps to use

Thanks for posting this!

I go by feel to determine how many pumps to use. I do notice that I use less pumps for 613 than for Fig or TT.

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Re: Wen - you use fewer pumps for the 613 Cleansing Conditioner that for all other CCs & suggested number of pumps to use

The posts above list the number of pumps of Cleansing Conditioner you should use based on the length of your hair and the CC bottle size. -- The information comes from Chaz's site and Chaz's salon.

-- bebe

Posts: 57
Registered: ‎02-01-2014

Re: Wen - you use fewer pumps for the 613 Cleansing Conditioner that for all other CCs & suggested number of pumps to use

Is it that 613 is thicker or that the bottle & pump is just a bit taller? I've noticed BGT is thicker than POM but the recommended pumps remain the same?
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Re: Wen - you use fewer pumps for the 613 Cleansing Conditioner that for all other CCs & suggested number of pumps to use

On 3/22/2014 bebe777 said:

Because 613 CC is more concentrated than all the other CCs, you use fewer pumps of the 613 CC whenever you cleanse your hair.

The information on the back of the Wen CC bottles is somewhat more general and varies a bit. So the information below reflects the recommendations from the website. -- This is followed by information on the number of pumps in each size of the Cleansing Conditioner bottles (note the number of pumps in the 32 oz. bottle is not double the number in the 16 oz. bottle).

The number of pumps indicated is for the entire cleanse. -- Chaz recommends that you cleanse, rinse and repeat, using half the pumps for the first cleanse and the remaining pumps for the second cleanse.

Note: I have listed the 613 CC information first, and this is followed by the information for all the other CCs.




16 oz. Bottle

* short hair -- 8-12 pumps -- 10-16 pumps

* medium length hair -- 12-16 pumps -- 16-24 pumps

* long hair -- 16-20 pumps -- 24-32 pumps

* very long hair -- 20-24 pumps -- 32-40* pumps


32 oz. Bottle

* short hair -- 6-8 pumps -- 6-10 pumps

* medium length hair -- 8-10 pumps -- 10-16 pumps

* long hair -- 10-12 pumps -- 16-20 pumps

* very long hair -- 12-14 pumps -- 21-25* pumps


Gallon Bottle (128 oz.) -- information for all CCs including 613 (613 information per Chaz Dean's Salon)

* short hair -- 1-2 pumps

* medium length hair -- 2-4 pumps

* long hair -- 4-6 pumps

* very long hair -- 5.3-7.5* pumps

Note: For for the category of All CCs Except 613, there were no specific number recommendations for very long hair (though the backs of the 16oz. bottles suggested 30-40 pumps). So I calculated the numbers of pumps for very long hair using on the information available from the "pumps" numbers for shorter hair lengths.*

Longer/Thicker Hair -- If your hair is longer/thicker you may need to increase the amount of pumps. (




* short hair -- hair above your shoulder

* medium length hair -- hair down to your shoulders

* long hair -- hair past your shoulders

* very long hair -- hair to your mid-back


Number of pumps in each size of Cleansing Conditioner bottle

* 6 oz. - 60 pumps

* 16 oz. - 160 pumps

* 32 oz. - 192 pumps

* 128 oz. (gallon) - 128 pumps


Number of pumps in each size of Cleansing Conditioner bottle that equals 1oz.

* 6 oz. bottle - 10 pumps

* 16 oz. bottle - 10 pumps

* 32 oz. bottle - 6 pumps

* 128 oz. bottle (gallon) - 1 pump


Thanks so much...very informative.


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Re: Wen - you use fewer pumps for the 613 Cleansing Conditioner that for all other CCs & suggested number of pumps to use

On 3/30/2014 croemer said:

Thanks so much...very informative.

croemer, thank you for your kind words. I'm glad the information was helpful. -- bebe Smile

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Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen - you use fewer pumps for the 613 Cleansing Conditioner that for all other CCs & suggested number of pumps to use

The first two posts in this thread list the number of pumps of Cleansing Conditioner you should use based on the length of your hair and the CC bottle size. -- The information comes from Chaz's site and Chaz's salon.

-- bebe

Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen - you use fewer pumps for the 613 Cleansing Conditioner that for all other CCs & suggested number of pumps to use

The first two posts in this thread list the number of pumps of Cleansing Conditioner you should use based on the length of your hair and the CC bottle size. -- The information comes from Chaz's site and Chaz's salon. -- bebe

Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen - you use fewer pumps for the 613 Cleansing Conditioner that for all other CCs & suggested number of pumps to use

Click on this Wen - you use fewer pumps for the 613 Cleansing Conditioner that for all other CCs & suggested numb... link to take you to the beginning of this thread. Post #1 has the information on the number of pumps to use.

-- bebe Wen FAQ - key Wen links - Wen 101 - tips from Chaz Dean Studio