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OT - kokathy, after the fall...

Kokathy, as promised, here's the information my friend shared with me...

She put a number of essential oils on the affected part of her knee because, as a massage therapist, she has them all on hand. btw, I had misunderstood about the boswellia. She suggested that you start with peppermint (to relieve pain), wintergreen (an anti-inflammatory), and marjoram (to help the muscles). She gets her oils through youngerliving dot com because their oils have the greatest therapeutic effects. She said that oils bought through a health store would not have that same therapeutic effect.-- Make sure not to touch your eyes after applying the oils because it will sting them.

In terms of supplements, Omega-3s have the most proven anti-inflammatory effect. The Carlson fish oil (16 oz. liquid size) is the most cost effective and it's a good brand. Vitacost and i-herb sell it for around $30. At this point about 3 gm/day of Omega-3s would be good. Tumeric (active ingredient: cucurmin) is also a great anti-inflammatory. Procaps Labs (which is my favorite line) and Life Extension both have good products. -- I completely agree with her regarding these supplements.

Elevate your legs as much as possible.

Epson salt baths are also a great idea. They will help drain toxins from your body and provide a good source of magnesium.

She also suggested some reiki energy treatments.

From a spiritual perspective, she suggested that you ask yourself the following questions:

* What do I need to surrender to? What do I need to bend my will to? What does this mean to me, both physically and emotionally?

Essentially, you want to be working with your injury and not fighting it.

That said, just take what sounds right for you.

My best wishes for a speedy recovery!!!

-- bebe Smile

P.S. lots of Wen would probably help... but I'm sure you've already got that covered. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

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Re: OT - kokathy, after the fall...

bumping for Kathy - great tips bebe and I am rooting for that quick recovery with you.

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Re: OT - kokathy, after the fall...

On 3/18/2014 waterdragon said:

bumping for Kathy - great tips bebe and I am rooting for that quick recovery with you.

waterdragon, thanks so much. It's good to see you on the board, if only for a short bit.

Sending good thoughts your way,

-- bebe Smile

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Re: OT - kokathy, after the fall...

thanks bebe - the good thoughts are surely helping, it's a process and a slow one.

You've got good thoughts coming right back attcha.

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Re: OT - kokathy, after the fall...

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Re: OT - kokathy, after the fall...

I love the topic "after the fall" and I know the answers to the questions because everytime I release myself from anger I've been feeling toward a certain family member, I feel infinitely better. Today I walked 6 blocks total without any issue and I can walk up and down the stairs with no pain and little assitance (although I still limp).

Plus I think I could rub Wen on it! I still have bottles of Winter Vanilla Mint and the Winter Cranberry Mint.

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Re: OT - kokathy, after the fall...

Thanks BeBe for posting this info found it very informative and want to try a couple for my issue.
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Re: OT - kokathy, after the fall...

This topic keeps making me think of the song by Nelson-""After the Rain""
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Re: OT - kokathy, after the fall...

Hope your knee feels better, Kathy!

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Posts: 636
Registered: ‎06-09-2012

Re: OT - kokathy, after the fall...

Thanks Kate! I am going to try rubbing my winter vanilla mint Wen on it, till I can get to Whole Foods to pick up the oils. It's been so busy for me lately. I am looking forward to Sunday, so I can just take a beat and breathe. So much good stuff happening that it makes me forget the bad.

Kate, I also love your Wayne Dyer quote. I love that man.