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Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Wen TSV - BGT option is sold out, but if you choose the A-D plan then you can switch over to BGT for your next shipment


If you go on the Auto-Delivery plan for the TSV with another scent -- perhaps TT which most of us incorporate in our cleansing routines -- then you can switch the scent to BGT for your next (second) shipment.

In fact, on the Wen TSVs A-D plans, you can always change your core scent with each future shipment. You will need to speak with a QVC customer service rep though, because you can't make this particular change online.

Knowing that BGT would be really popular, I just don't understand why they only brought in 18,000 of the BGT version. Unfortunately, I really don't think the BGT option will pop up later today. Sometimes that happens in the early morning hours, but I don't think I've ever seen it happen during the day. I got my BGT version at the stroke of midnight. Out of curiousity, since I was up late, I kept checking to see if the BGT option would come back online but it never did.

WEN by ChazDean Cleanse, Restore, and Style 4-piece Collection ( A256143 )

* 32 oz. Cleansing Conditioner (CC)

* 2 oz. Replenishing Treatment Mist (RTM)

* 16 oz. 613 Cleansing Conditioner (CC)

* 5 oz. 613 Styling Creme (SC)

Note: 32 oz. CC (with 2 oz. RTM) core scent choices are SAM, TT, FIG, LAV, CA, POM and, for the first time, BGT (for first shipment, BGT option is sold out). -- MSRP: $153

-- bebe Smile


QVC Price: $72.50Today's Special Value Price:$59.96
Available for 3 Easy Payments


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Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen TSV - BGT option is sold out, but if you choose the A-D plan then you can switch over to BGT for your next shipment

I just wanted to remind people that they can change their core scents on future shipments.

-- bebe

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Re: Wen TSV - BGT option is sold out, but if you choose the A-D plan then you can switch over to BGT for your next shipment

I really hope QVC can handle all of the people who switch. Look at what happened with the botched Tarte TSV AD because so many people added more to their AD shipments. Lots of people who originally ordered it didn't get it. I'm one of the lucky ones who DID get the BGT. If QVC sends me a ""Backorder"" on future AD's I won't be happy.

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Re: Wen TSV - BGT option is sold out, but if you choose the A-D plan then you can switch over to BGT for your next shipment

I chatted with customer service and they confirmed that you can switch over to the Green Tea Bamboo. I wish I ordered at mid night - but good thing I got in on the Pomergrante - since its gluten free. I really like the Six Thirteen and that is a great value on the Six Thirteen...

I do hope that they will repeat this with the Green Tea Bamboo again...

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Re: Wen TSV - BGT option is sold out, but if you choose the A-D plan then you can switch over to BGT for your next shipment

Good reminder, bebe! I know that people often ask about switching scents. The ONLY thing to consider is that if tons of people switch their AD's I wonder if it that may cause a delay in shipment. I say that only because in the past when a lot people increased the quantities of their AD ( which you can also do) certain formulas took longer to ship. I'm thinking the same thing could happen if a ton of people switched scents, let alone quantities. As long as QVC lets the Wen team know well enough in advance then I am guessing they could keep the orders on track.

What happened with that one AD ( I think it was Spring, 2012?) was that the Q did not give Wen enough lead time to produce the amount of product needed to satisfy the orders they had allowed to be increased and/or formulas switched. Something like 40,000+ additional units were allowed to be added on to existing AD orders and it caused a delay for the second shipment of that AD. Not saying that will happen in this scenario but I do remember how many people were chomping at the bit to get that second AD shipment as it had Summer Mango Coconut in it!

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Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen TSV - BGT option is sold out, but if you choose the A-D plan then you can switch over to BGT for your next shipment

On 3/15/2014 lovemygigi said:

Good reminder, bebe! I know that people often ask about switching scents. The ONLY thing to consider is that if tons of people switch their AD's I wonder if it that may cause a delay in shipment. I say that only because in the past when a lot people increased the quantities of their AD ( which you can also do) certain formulas took longer to ship. I'm thinking the same thing could happen if a ton of people switched scents, let alone quantities. As long as QVC lets the Wen team know well enough in advance then I am guessing they could keep the orders on track.

What happened with that one AD ( I think it was Spring, 2012?) was that the Q did not give Wen enough lead time to produce the amount of product needed to satisfy the orders they had allowed to be increased and/or formulas switched. Something like 40,000+ additional units were allowed to be added on to existing AD orders and it caused a delay for the second shipment of that AD. Not saying that will happen in this scenario but I do remember how many people were chomping at the bit to get that second AD shipment as it had Summer Mango Coconut in it!

lovemygigi, when I wrote this post I was thinking about that fiasco. In fact, I almost didn't post this information because of what happened two years ago. Hopefully QVC has learned for this mistake (or maybe you could mention it to someone). *s*

-- bebe Smile