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Registered: ‎11-21-2011
I was reminiscing with a friend and I thought I would share this for the new Wengirls. Since I just had my Weniversary this month I was remembering how this all got started. My first purchase was either one or two of the smaller bottles. My second purchase was a 4 oz. tea tree oil, I laugh how I treated that oil like it was a bar of gold. This was the old tea tree oil. I remembering smelling it for the first time and hearing Chaz's words in my head as I sat on my bathroom floor putting it on my scalp. Those days I could only bring myself to use it once a month, my DD was small and I had no "me" time so it was my spa time. I quit after a bit because like almost everyone here I made mistakes (not rinsing enough etc). Not too many months went by and I ordered again and I finally started liking it. Then the 32oz. Came along and the TSV. At first I would order one TSV on A/D and I was a happy camper. I introduced my DD to it in her tween years and to this day I have regrets. I sampled more oil scents in the smaller bottles and like the larger one handled them with kid gloves. Soon my TSV ordering went from one to "how many" am I ordering. At times I would think I had too much but before I knew it the boxes would empty and I would panic when it went down to two or so. Eventually, I would treat myself to more 4 oz oils when things would seem fit. All the time hearing of others collections. The TSV with the body cream arrived and I remember not being able to get used to no lather.. So I passed it on to my DD. the seasonals came and I tried them but eventually would pass the smaller bottles on to her and I was happy with my larger 32 oz core. The second year of the seasonals I finally caught on and stopped passing them on to her as I missed out on the 32 oz A/d. Too late, gone. Somewhere in between 613 arrived and that was another "must have at all times".With the help of the ladies here I learned a lot of great things, like being able to up your quantities on A/D and other things I didn't know. Next the DH shocked me one day asking me if he could try the TT. Then he asked for his OWN bottle. Okay, now I have to order for the household. Gallons here I come! Even though I knew realistically I could never keep agallon in my bathroom for DD. I was prompted to give the body cream another go by one of our fellow Wengirls (Cm)and I fo Focused on my collection of that for awhile.So girls no matter how small your stash maybe today and your "want" list maybe very long but with Chaz's TSV's and specials my collection grew quite fast with very little effort. I'm sure most of the vets stories mimic mine. All this from someone who was never devoted to any one product line never mind product. Never spent more than the norm for shampoo and conditioner. It's been a great journey and a lot of fun and my hair is better and longer than it's been since I was a teenager. I sit here now contemplating how many gallons this June? Lol
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Registered: ‎02-06-2014

Re: How I became a Wenaholic

This was a great read!! Thank you for this post. I'm a "newbie", been using just since the beginning of Jan and I could see myself in your story of how you started. I just received my first tsv and it was like I was a little girl on Christmas. I opened the box and and just smiled. I haven't been taking too much time for myself the last few years and the real gift is wanting to treat and pamper myself. The great results is a bonus! And I have Wen to thank for that! Who knew?! Something so small can change the way we treat ourselves!
Love my Wen, Love my Animals! God Bless You All!
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Registered: ‎07-24-2012

Re: How I became a Wenaholic

Your story sounds a lot like mine. My whole family uses Wen. My DH was the last to get on board, but even he can't be without it. Great post! Wen is my passion. It is almost like a hobby for me. Love!!!
Smiley Happy Hilary
Wen girl for 10 years!!
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: How I became a Wenaholic

Its a great thing to be a Wenaholic, you have great hair and you take a lot of showers and look forward to it. If you can get the whole family on board so much the better I say. Your UPS driver may not be to fond of you. I live down a semi long drive and he has to walk mine down. He always seems happy and I am always glad to see him.

I swear this is true, I am actually saving money. I shop the TSV wisely, and make sure that I designate one small space for the back ups. I don't have to use a shampoo and a cream rinse both. But honestly when it is all said and done I am happy with anything that takes care of the tangles and doesn't frizz my hair out or make it limp. Wen so far is the only thing that does that simple thing!

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Posts: 469
Registered: ‎04-25-2012

Re: How I became a Wenaholic

On 3/3/2014 kcladyz said:

You should try paragraphs sometime.

You should try kindness. And paying attention, as when you post from a phone or a tablet, one long paragraph is the result which cannot be helped by the user. ANYWAY, Beaches, I loved your story! I'm contemplating which gallon(s) myself these days... :-)