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WEN USER Poll! How did you hear about Wen and Why did you try it?

I'm nearing my 2 year Wenniversary and was reminiscing today as I cleansed with WVM I reflected on what brought me to Wen 2 years ago.

My first purchase was in Feb 2012 with FIG and WVM. I did NOT like WVM then but ask today and my hair would tell you otherwise! I LOVE it now.

So I thought it would be fun to share our stories!

1) How did you first hear about Wen?

I'm an avid DIYer and watched the TV show Flipping Out when Jeff Lewis redesigned Chaz's salon. Had no clue who Chaz was until years later when I was "flipping" (lol!) channels and saw Chaz on QVC in Feb 2012. Mind you I had never watched QVC in my life until that day. Well that's another story now lol! Call it fate!

2) Why did you decide to try Wen?

I have always had good hair, long thick soft naturally curly hair. But it was so exhausting washing and drying it everyday. Took over an hour, and if I didn't wash it and style it then it looked like _____! My color lasted maybe a month. I tried Wen to see if I could change that, and I have! I cleanse 2x a week and my hair looks great, even better on day 2 and 3. My red color lasts 6-9 months. And I thought I had good hair before, I'm shocked after 2 years how amazingly silky my curls and color are now.

Share your story... !

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Re: WEN USER Poll! How did you hear about Wen and Why did you try it?

I found out about it because of the QVC Wen boards here and tried it because of the raves. I had never seen the infomercial or Wen shows.

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Re: WEN USER Poll! How did you hear about Wen and Why did you try it?

I heard about it through the infomercial. I tried Sam several years ago and didn't like it because I didn't use it correctly and had greasy hair. I decided to try it again in May of 2012. I tried lavender and have never looked back. I love Wen!! It makes my hair so soft and shiny. I also love that it is manageable, smells great, grows fast, and never has split ends. I like to cleanse daily, so I was looking for something that would be healthy for my hair instead of stripping it. It is a little expensive, but to me it is worth every penny.
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Re: WEN USER Poll! How did you hear about Wen and Why did you try it?

I saw it on the Q. I had an oily scalp, dry ends, lots of flyaways and was prone to collecting static in the winter. Some of this was due to weather conditions, some due to blow drying and some due to Peri-menopause. WEN has dramatically improved the condition of my fine straight hair. It feels better and thicker and it looks a lot better.

My first purchase (I think) was a set of 5 six-ounce cleansers (this was before POM, seasonals, kids etc). Then I moved to the AD of 5 sixteen ounce cleaners (which originally included CA, but after a year or so they substituted POM for CA, which still annoys me).

After that it's a big blur of TSV's and AD's. I think I have tried almost every product except the glossing serum, the pet and kids scents.


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Re: WEN USER Poll! How did you hear about Wen and Why did you try it?

Infomercial. I actually sent it back. Was just not ready for the "no lather" experience. Many years later I was flipping through the channels and saw Chaz on QVC. Decided to give it a go again. I have not used anything else since, and NEVER will! LOVE my hair.

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Re: WEN USER Poll! How did you hear about Wen and Why did you try it?

I don't remember if it was Chaz' first visit or at least one of his first visits as a new vendor, so I've used WEN since it came to QVC. I was fighting extremely oily scalp with oily dandruff and oily hair with dry, flyaway, split ends. My first purchase was a 3 pc kit - SAM cc, sc and the texture balm. It was the first hair product I'd ever found that cleaned the gunk off my scalp without drying out my ends. I changed to CA, then Lav when it came out. I used Lav only until tea tree came out, then I started mixing. I now use tt and fig. I can't use the soy formulas so I don't use any of the seasonals, but that's not a problem. I love the scent of Lac and Fig but I don't use WEN because of the scent.

I decided to try WEN because what Chaz said made a lot of sense to me and I liked his philosophy of healthy hair and styling in a more natural way.

Haven't had a reason to change or question my decision. I have been on AD for tt since 2008. DH has been using tt for over a year now and calls Chaz "our hair guy".

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Re: WEN USER Poll! How did you hear about Wen and Why did you try it?

I saw the infomercials a zillion times (cuz I just love Alyssa Milano from her Charmed Days)..and it seemed intriguing. Then I got to see Chaz live on the Q and fell in love with his gentle, sincere demeanor...I felt like he was selling something from his heart, not just some junk cooked up in a chemistry lab.

My hair was badly damaged and wouldn't grow--kept breaking off. I tried for years to regrow it, to fix it--something--but nothing worked. Plus I was flat-iron obsessed--I had to iron in order to have my hair look remotely ok, but it was wrecking it even more in the process. The last straw came when I had a family function to go to and I went out and 'bought hair' to wear as extensions Smiley Sad I'd always had long long super-thick hair, but it all went bad several years ago and nothing was I decided to try Wen. Almost 2 years later, I have long hair again that's thicker and stronger and healthier than it ever was!!! And I've totally given up all hot tools!! Woot!!

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Re: WEN USER Poll! How did you hear about Wen and Why did you try it?

Well, I had watched Chaz for a few years on the Q, but (somehow!) resisted every time he was on. I loved watching him and loved the idea of Wen, but I just wasn't convinced my oily hair would be cooperative with Wen. However, I was really looking for some styling products that were less harsh, sticky and crunchy than the ones I had been using, so the first thing I tried was 613 mousse - which I immediately ADORED!

Finally, this past August when Chaz visited, I tried CA and LOVED it! Got some generous samples of SC and 613 from a certain someone who started this thread {#emotions_dlg.biggrin} and fell even deeper in love! Then, I began doing oil treatments, and in the past month or so, I would say, I have seen my oil production really begin to even out and normalize. For me and my formerly oil-slick scalp, this is nothing short of a miracle! Especially since it took less than 6 months for it to improve!

The rest is history, and I am a Wen girl for life! {#emotions_dlg.wub}

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Re: WEN USER Poll! How did you hear about Wen and Why did you try it?

Been watching Chaz since his debut show on the Q. I got the concept but at the time I had serious medical issues and couldn't start a new product. When he first started the bottles were small and it seemed like you needed a lot of pumps and it seemed so expensive. My medical problem started taking a toll on my hair after a few years and I was spending a lot of cash on other products that weren't helping. Finally out of desperation I ordered Wen. In the beginning I made mistakes like most of us do and dropped it for a few months and then went back, I haven't looked back. I'm a Wen girl for life. My hair is better than when I was a kid. I love it when I bump into someone and they say "you look so good", I laugh because I know it's my hair that looks SO GOOD! My hair is the longest it's been since I was in my 20's and I'm loving every minute of it.
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Re: WEN USER Poll! How did you hear about Wen and Why did you try it?

I ordered first from the Q years ago when it was first introduced...then returned it. Wash my hair in the sink a lot more than in the shower and thought it wouldn't work for me. Don't asked me how I came up w/ that!

A girlfriend was moving and gifted me w/ the balance of her gallon. Free? Sure, I'll try again. Gave it a real testing...still mostly in the sink...and I was hooked and reeled in!

No shampoo has touched my head in almost 2 years now. Results? Well, you ladies hair is gorgeous if I do say so myself! LOL