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Wen - new duo 32 oz. CC & (8) 2 oz. travel packets for $60 - waitlist only

This new set was presented as an OTO on friday night for $50 and sold out almost immediately. It's been relisted today although all the scents are "waitlist only" (SAM, TT, FIG, LAV & POM). The price is now $60 which is still a good price if you use a particular CC. I think the QVC list price would be $92.50 plus two individual shipping charges (versus one shipping charge for this set). So it may be worth to go on waitlist for it. The set includes:

* 32 oz. CC - $49.50

* (8) 2oz. CC packets - $33


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Re: Wen - new duo 32 oz. CC & (8) 2 oz. travel packets for $60 - waitlist only

There is no SAM.
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Registered: ‎08-31-2013

Re: Wen - new duo 32 oz. CC & (8) 2 oz. travel packets for $60 - waitlist only

TY Bebe77 I got 4 of the OTO. Like a buy 2 get 1 free at that price. I did the math fast in my head and figured it was cheaper than getting a gallon . I had to waitlist the SAM and CS adjusted the shipping for me because I didn't order the 4 together ( this was after my math moment LOL ) Love QVC CS when you get a CS WEN user to help w/ something WEN.

ETA Now I need to be on the ball for the next TSV since I missed the last one