Super Contributor
Posts: 435
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

What other products besides Wen have you found do what they say and surprise you?

If you are anything like me you have seen decades of advertisements, for hair care and other things. For a few years you jumped on the badwagon and wasted a lot of money on useless things and grew a little skeptical. But every once in a while you found something that actually performed just as advertised?

If you are posting here than it is assumed that you are happy with Wen and posting all the things that didn't work gets kind of negative. But sometimes something works for you! I'll start. Latisse! Granted it is expensive but I found that if I used and sanitized my own brushes I could get results with my own brush and a bottle will last me about 2 1/2 months. My eyelashes slowly disappeared as I aged and I never had what I would call full long lashes. Mine were so sparse and thin it looked as if I had Chemo therapy. It was useless to put on mascara as it only drew attention to the fact that I had about six lashes left per eye. I just lived with it and wore fake lashes if I had a night out a couple times a year, but there was barely enough lash to anchor a fake on.

My goal wasn't to have incredible lashes, just to have normal eyelashes such as most people have. I have nice lashes now, nothing over the top. I am very happy to have eyelashes and dump the fakes and for special occastions now I just put a little mascara on. Latisse really works!