Super Contributor
Posts: 440
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

~ won't be going anywhere for Christmas ~

Last week I had arthroscopic surgery on my knee and I thought surely by this time I would be able to drive the 4 hours to my girls' homes. Well, not so. I just started P.T. Friday and I told the therapist how achey my knee felt just driving the 45 minutes it took to get there. She told me that "surgery is surgery, whether it's arthroscopic or scalpel - it's still an assault on your body and takes time to heal - be patient with yourself, it may be a few more weeks."

Wow, I know she's right, but it's a hard pill to swallow. I had this done about 12 years ago and it healed much quicker ..... guess getting older certainly does have a role in this.
