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upper respiratory issues---gone-ish!!!!

[ Edited ]

DD has  been at battle with the "upper resp bug"--she came down with it Jan 3 and had been isolating since then---tested positive many times-- I escaped it all ---but she did zoom her dr this week and her dr gave her the all clear to re-enter the real world. Seems like major changes in protocol from CDC about these viruses and what to do about them. She is still masking up when near people but can resume going out in public now. She didn't get horribly sick--just a cold that was a little more ---aggressive. Today is the 14th day of the waiting period, to come down with any symptoms for me---I am still fine. But flu and RSV is high around here too.  We both got shots back in Sept. 

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Re: upper respiratory issues---gone-ish!!!!

Glad she's feeling better and glad you are far. 

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Re: upper respiratory issues---gone-ish!!!!

I am a RN, and right now, in our area. NE Florida, Flu and Covid are around. 

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Re: upper respiratory issues---gone-ish!!!!

@wagirl wrote:

DD has  been at battle with the "upper resp bug"--she came down with it Jan 3 and had been isolating since then---tested positive many times-- I escaped it all ---but she did zoom her dr this week and her dr gave her the all clear to re-enter the real world. Seems like major changes in protocol from CDC about these viruses and what to do about them. She is still masking up when near people but can resume going out in public now. She didn't get horribly sick--just a cold that was a little more ---aggressive. Today is the 14th day of the waiting period, to come down with any symptoms for me---I am still fine. But flu and RSV is high around here too.  We both got shots back in Sept. 

My 2 year old granddaughter spent a few days over the New Years Holiday in the hospital on oxygen with RSV. What a scary few days. Our family has been hit hard with the viruses since September. My 8 year old granddaughter came down with covid the second week of school directly followed by pneumonia. She missed two weeks of school. Weeks later she came down with the flu and missed another week of school. In December over two weeks 5 of the 6 of us living in my house suffered thru the nourovirus. It was brutal. This past week 2 of my granddaughters had the respiratory virus that hitting the area. I have Lysol and hand sanitizer all over our house. It's not helping .

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Re: upper respiratory issues---gone-ish!!!!

@embgm --WOW!!! I am so sorry for your family!! I cannot imagine having to contend with so much sickness and then the little ones getting so sick--that just breaks my heart!! I remember those days of little kids and getting sick in my day--not fun. Hopefully  everyone has/is recovered? I will send out all the good thoughts to you. Hopefully you are well and stay well -- sounds like you are the rock and keeper of all things sanitizing!! 

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Re: upper respiratory issues---gone-ish!!!!

@wagirl wrote:

@embgm --WOW!!! I am so sorry for your family!! I cannot imagine having to contend with so much sickness and then the little ones getting so sick--that just breaks my heart!! I remember those days of little kids and getting sick in my day--not fun. Hopefully  everyone has/is recovered? I will send out all the good thoughts to you. Hopefully you are well and stay well -- sounds like you are the rock and keeper of all things sanitizing!! 

.     @wagirl-- I am trying hard to sanitize , these viruses are just so contagious! My granddaughters RSV could have had worse timing. Her mom is gonna have a c section the last week of January at 34 weeks due to serious complications that could occur as the pregnancy continues. My granddaughter could have gotten that virus while the baby was a newborn. We are grateful she's better. After the c section my dil will have an immediate hysterectomy to prevent her from hemorrhaging. A special team of docs will deliver the baby and do the surgery and there will be an extra blood supply in the OR. So we have to get thru 2 more weeks without any early complications. It's been a tough start in 2025. The baby "Evie" is in great shape almost 4 pounds.Her sister was three pounds born at 30 weeks because my dil had pre eclampsia so this was also an emergency c section. This will be there last baby, it's been a wild 5 years. These are both IVF babies. That journey is very difficult, full of joy but also sorrow. They lost a little boy thru miscarriage last March. They still think they are blessed to have been able to have Thea and are praying for a positive outcome for Evie. 

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Re: upper respiratory issues---gone-ish!!!!

@embgm  and again---WOW !!! Am in awe at what you are going thru and hope for everything to go as smoothly as possible these next few weeks---what a joy and blessing to have 2 very special babies--so sorry for the little boy--and what a wonderful DIL and son you have too. Will be thinking about them----and you---keep yourself in good shape--sounds like you will have your work cut out for you!! Good work tho---

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Posts: 955
Registered: ‎07-02-2014

Re: upper respiratory issues---gone-ish!!!!

@wagirl wrote:

@embgm  and again---WOW !!! Am in awe at what you are going thru and hope for everything to go as smoothly as possible these next few weeks---what a joy and blessing to have 2 very special babies--so sorry for the little boy--and what a wonderful DIL and son you have too. Will be thinking about them----and you---keep yourself in good shape--sounds like you will have your work cut out for you!! Good work tho---

@@Wagirl. I take one day at a time with faith and hope. I try to understand why they weren't able to become pregnant naturally, but the good Lord thru difficulty blessed them with these babies. It's been such a rough journey filled with many disappointments. They were devastated when they lost their little boy as he was their only viable male embryo. They suffered these past 5 years . Why did this have to be so difficult for them who lived to be parents when others unworthy get pregnant so easily and cause harm to their children. I'm hoping they will now be able to enjoy their girls without the worry, frustrations , the physical, emotional  and financial burdens they  have experienced during these 5 years of creating their family. Thru it all they feel truly blessed to have these beautiful children!

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Re: upper respiratory issues---gone-ish!!!!

My ten month old granddaughter was hospitalized over the weekend with Adenovirus 

high temp cold respiratory symptoms 

My daughter her husband and baby all had flu colds after thanksgiving

These viruses are so closely related and unfortunately haven't run their course

Now my daughter was tested positive for Influenza A


Makes me not want to go out much but then in Northern Illinois we are in an Arctic Blast

Im hoping the frigid cold might kill some of the viruses floating around us