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"The Science of Fat" --5 types of cells, all unique

August 2019 issue of GOOD HOUSEKEEPING magazine has a series of articles about different types of fat cells (visceral, brown, beige, white, cellulite), how they work, where they get stored on the body and other info.

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Re: "The Science of Fat" --5 types of cells, all unique

@novamc1 @Doesn’t understanding the different fat types help you figure out how to get rid of it?

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Re: "The Science of Fat" --5 types of cells, all unique



A section of the story deals with that, but it's the usual narrative.......exercise, the right foods (including complex carbs), and what works for some might not work for all or in the same body location on all people.


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Re: "The Science of Fat" --5 types of cells, all unique

I just read an interesting article on burning fat shared by another poster and combined with this article on the "The Science of Fat" we can never have enough information on understanding our metabolisms...especially as we age...Thank you for sharing @novamc1!

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Re: "The Science of Fat" --5 types of cells, all unique

I exercise and eat a healthy diet. I've always been very lean most of my life. I am not overweight. I'm 64 and just recently I have been having a difficult time getting rid of some 'love-handle' fat. No matter what I do it won't go away! I think the only thing that will is a medical procedure...seriously.

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Re: "The Science of Fat" --5 types of cells, all unique

Dolly Parton unabashedly acknowledges having work done for anything "saggin', baggin', or draggin'", @Sugipine .  Gravity is absolute!

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Re: "The Science of Fat" --5 types of cells, all unique

It's weird...the only place where's I have the fat problem is so limited and it's only on my love handle areas, no place else. I was thinking about Cool Sculpting for this, but it's just  a thinking-about-it thing right! Woman LOLI think Dolly had lipo stuff done...that would not be for me! @Sweetbay magnolia 

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Re: "The Science of Fat" --5 types of cells, all unique

@Sugipine wrote:

It's weird...the only place where's I have the fat problem is so limited and it's only on my love handle areas, no place else. I was thinking about Cool Sculpting for this, but it's just  a thinking-about-it thing right! Woman LOLI think Dolly had lipo stuff done...that would not be for me! @Sweetbay magnolia 

I'm with you on this! My only body part I'm self conscious about is what I like to call my little pooch. Stomach fat that doesn't want to cooperate and go away like the rest of my body fat did.  It's disproportionate!  I want lipo or Coolsculpting for sure but it's a lot of $$$.

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Re: "The Science of Fat" --5 types of cells, all unique

[ Edited ]

@Grouchomarx @Sugipine


 I share the problem.  It has gotten worse in the past two years, just as I approached age 70 and previously  had lost several pounds during a very stressful move from one state to another.


I would like to call my "new" waistline just  the typical "middle-age spread", but I passed middle age a long time ago.  LOL!!


I can't exercise more and eat less than I do already, so I guess it's now "old-age spread", and I'm stuck with it!!

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Re: "The Science of Fat" --5 types of cells, all unique

When I was a group fitness instructor, of course we wore tight workout wear.  One of my students (a bit older than me) said something like, after a certain point, it's not about how you look naked, but what you look like fully dressed.  Makes sense to me.

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