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@SeaMaiden , I don't know about a chest xray. I guess you'd have to discuss with your doctor. I get a low dose lung scan. I stopped smoking about 10 years ago, but started smoking when I wa just a kid borrowing them from my parents. By the time I wa 16 or so I smoked 1-2 packs  a day until quitting when I was 59.I have COPD. The money I saved with not smoking goes towards expensive meds for my lungs. What a dope I was, but it can't be undone. I just hope the scan is okay, again.

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Sending prayers to you ,catter 70 for a good report that sll is well.

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@hckynutjohn , I was a very heavy smoker most of my life and quit 10 years ago when I needed to have unrelated surgery. I have COPD, but according to my doctor need to have scan yearly until 15 years of not smoking. Sounds like you've been thru the mill. Hope all is well with you now.

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I smoked also starting about 15 years old. Worked as carhop with a lot of guys in the Air Force, started when I was 12. Took me till 15 to start regular smoking.


Got into running when I was 29 to help my fitness for playing hockey. One night at the track where I ran I asked myself this question: "if you feel this bad going on 30, what are you going to feel like as you get older"?


My answer to myself was to quit smoking. The only way I found to quit things successfully was to do so cold turkey, and that is what I did. 


Had Pneumonia several times, which scarred my lungs. And then in 2002 I ended up in the hospital with PE(lung blood clots). Spent 9 days in the hospital with a Heparin IV drip to get my INR/ProTime numbers up into a normal range(2.0-2.5). 6 months later had another PE event. Same hospital procedure, this time for 8 days.


On July 5, 2003 came Heart Attack #1, along with the sometimes deadly Aspiration  Pneumonia.  Was in ICU for 8 days and hospital for total of 15 days. Took me almost 18 months to get all the fluid out of my lungs.


Went to both Pulmonary and Cardiac Rehab Classes after hospital release. Pulmonary was 12 sessions, Cardiac was 36 sessions. I was the only patient in Pulmonary Rehab that was not using an oxygen assist in those sessions.


Ended up with nodules on both lungs and was getting Ultrasounds every 3 months for a year. Then every 6 months for 2 years, then annually. The size on my right lung remains the same and my left lung disappeared.


My more recent issue was from a fall ice skating. Knew I broke a rib(had broken 5 prior) so stopped at the ER on the way home. Spent 2+ days in the hospital making sure the hole in my left lung closed.


Originally was thought it was 1 lung, but after the Thoracentesis Procedure, found out there were 4 broken. The Pleural Fluid didn't allow them to see all the damage. I have been using my Spirometer every day since 2003 when I had the Aspiration Pneumonia, which helps keep my lung function in the 90% range.


Guess overall, considering all my Respiratory/Pulmonary issues, my lungs somehow are functioning at a pretty high level. Both my Pulmonologist and Cardiologist have told me having such a high lung capacity from my Cardio Fitness, probably saved my life, and also is probably the reason I still have a high lung function level.


Really hope your scan results are the positive kind, and if your lung capacity is at a good level, continue to maintain whatever  level that is at the present. My thoughts to you for a good report.







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Your story is remarkable, you have been through so much health wise.  I am glad you were able to get through such an ordeal and your lungs healthy now.  Thanks for sharing your story and giving hope to many who share your issues and know they can be helped and live healthy lives.