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Was at my Dr yesterday. He said I have a Zits on the tip of my nose. Just said I should use very warm water compresses on it... Have had it for almost a week now.. Never had one before...

Does anyone no of anything else I can use besides just compresses?

Would appreciated some help with this?


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Wow, I haven't heard that term since high school. We called pimples "zits". Anyway, please follow your derm's instructions. Hope it goes away quickly for you.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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One thing keep hands off face that is what Derm told me and Keep it clean.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Thank to both of you for your comments and advise...

Have been doing the compresses a few times today... My Dr. is the one that called it Zits.

Will normal pimples that I had a teen-ager there were products to use...

So wondering why my Dr. just wants me to apply warm compresses?


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I am confused. Did he mean zits as in pimples? That is what I have always thought a zit was? I have never heard of using a warm compress....I will have to try that. I still struggle with pimples and some cystic acne. I have to be very careful what I use on my face. Most moisturizers break me out. I like tea tree oil for the areas of my face that I tend to get break outs. It really helps me.

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I use salacylic acid. Works well on mine.
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
On 1/10/2014 Reever said: I use salacylic acid. Works well on mine.

Is salicylic an over the counter one? Or is a Prescription?

So far the compresses are not helping... Just to add I do have very bad Sinusitis so my nasal area is always affected...

However first time I have gotten an outer breakout on the nose itself...


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

You said that he said you have a ""zits"" -- are you sure he didn't say a ""cyst""? That would be more consistent with a doctor using the proper term -- and you would use warm compresses for those to draw them out. They are deeper than a pimple.

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do this: get CVS benzoyl peroxide 2% ""targeted acne spot treatment"" and put it everywhere! It does not dry me out as much as I thought it would. BP penetrates the pore and eventually gets down in there and dries up the pus as well as causing the ""core"" to shrivel up. Use a thick amount and surround the area so the staph bacteria do not ""move"" around to a nearby area. As long as I do this all of the time... my face does not break out. Good luck! BTW... a tube only costs 2.50 or so.

PS MY derm called mine ""cystic acne."" Do not buy a stronger prep. This treatment works if you use it continually and constantly keep the area dry with it. Staph apparently do not

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Yes, you need a BHA to clean out the pore. Check out Paula's Choice products or her website Beautypedia to find recommendations of dept/drugstore products. I've been using her products for about 15 years.