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What to take for nose burning, sneezing??

I haven't had a cold of any type in I am out of the loop, I guess you'd say..but  I DO NOW!  All I am experiencing is sneezing, burning in the nose and nasal drip.  I should know this but I don't.  What is the best thing to take for those symptoms only? No fever. TIA !!

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Re: What to take for nose burning, sneezing??

Nasal irrigation with saline.

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Re: What to take for nose burning, sneezing??

Sounds like allergies to me, but I'm not a doctor.  Advil Cold & Sinus is my friend.

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Re: What to take for nose burning, sneezing??

@sarahpanda  I'd go to the drug store and pick up a neti pot....they usually come with the solution needed (pre measured packets).  


I use one on occasion and for me really clears my sinus'.

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Re: What to take for nose burning, sneezing??

[ Edited ]

Ask the pharmacist. They would know more than we do.

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Re: What to take for nose burning, sneezing??

@sarahpanda - you really need to discuss this with a professional.  If you're on any regular prescription meds or have a chronic condition, you would have to tell them so they could provide the best recommendation.  Not all OTC meds are suitable for everyone.   

Nasal rinsing can be done without worry because you aren't swallowing anything.  I had some nasal polyps removed a few years ago and ever since then I do nasal rinsing twice a day with the saline packet and a prescription steroid from a compounding pharmacy.  

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Re: What to take for nose burning, sneezing??

@sarahpanda  Didnt you move recently?  Maybe allergy/reaction to something in your new house.

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Re: What to take for nose burning, sneezing??

Sounds like me with a live tree in the house..............





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Re: What to take for nose burning, sneezing??

Afrin nasal spray is what works for me.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: What to take for nose burning, sneezing??

@colleena ..Good memory you have !  Yes, I moved in late August so I'm thinking if I was allergic to something in the house, it would have shown up before now.  The house was completely redone done, paint, flooring, furniture, everything. It's probably not the house.