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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

@hckynut wrote:

@bopper wrote:


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Hi ya @bopper,


Mind if I add Ice Skating to this list?  Have ran full Marathons/10K/5K/2mile, and 1 mile races, thus lots of training for many years, mostly trained running, plus resistance training, and lots and lots of stretching.


I have heard many say to me: "Ice skating might be a good exercise". This has been at the ice rink with several trying to learn to skate. My response is always something like this: "I have run at least 250,000+ plus miles and the effort running on quads/hamstrings/glutes, and others, is not even close to ice skating. I am talking about hard skating compared to hard running."


Most seemed shocked at my response, but I assure them I know from experience and through my many fitness tests, which includes heart rate recovery time, and Max Vo2 numbers. "Might be"?   


Hey, just wanted to drop in and say hi. Still skating 3 times per week, 2 hour sessions Public Skating. Workout primarily on my late model True Recumbent for Cardio, my older one for simulating 1 leg squats to maintain my quad strength. Also use my Bowflex for 1 leg presses for same reason, and also work my upper body right after.


I figured a total of 5 days a week is just right for this 79 year old man. Knees still problem free as are my hips, and even my back(minus 3 lumbar discs) is not an issue. Abs I do all 7 days for at least 20 minutes, some while inverted all the way on my Teeter Inversion Table(not easy).


Taking it day by day and using it as much as possible while I still can. Those 14 years between 2002-2016 of heart attacks/PE,/Anemia, and on and on, seemed like decades to me. Loving being at one of my top fitness level and happy/overjoyed for every single day.


Take care my friend, and everyone here remember @bopper created these threads a long, long time ago,





Hi John so nice to hear from you and you can absolutely include ice skating to this list.  What a great sport that is and it certainly will get your HR up.   I remember all of your hockey and skating, you are truly my inspiration, how wonderful to be able to do everything you do and I have the Inversion table you speak of, doing those inverted sit ups, all I can say is Holy Cow!!!      I know you love your Bowflex too, great machine!!!   And treadmill....Well they are all great!   Yes to Keep moving, it's what keeps our joints from locking up, need to keep taking care of ourselves so we can take care of others.   Blessing to you and your family!!!    Smiley Happy

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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Hey everyone, it's a thundering kind of day here.   We had a great dinner with dad...he very much enjoyed the ride too until the sky opened up and torrential rain and hail and wind all the way home.  Almost had to pull over it was so bad....More coming in tonight too.


I did a Bodyblade workout with Rosalie and also her Cable Core Flow workout on my TG.  


Making a spaghetti squash dinner with shrimp and cheese..  Hopefully it's good.


Waving to all of my gang!!

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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Did my monster lawn work.  Mowing the right way, edging, blowing, weeding, etc...


I then decided since no one has run over in my car in 6 months (knock, knock) I may as well go ahead and clean it.  Washed it down and vacuumed and polished.


I also managed to get two bookshelves into my new space and get all my books including my childhood series from the 1970s out from storage.  I had a moment.  A real home moment.  I don't remember when I've not lived half out of a box.


I am tired.  I am going to veg the rest of the day.  My sister invited me to her pool tomorrow so I will make swimming my Labor Day workout.  Three days into September and a workout every day.  I love Fall!


Hope everyone is having a good weekend.  And even though I just washed the car, I'd die for some of that rain.  I am beginning to forget what it looks like.   

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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Good Morning and Happy Labor Day, can't believe we are saying that but it is!   I'll be on my TG this morning doing day 12 of the 14 day challenge.. I don't think I have lost anything unfortunately but do feel stronger.


It's sunny today, tomorrow and Wednesday, they are already saying Heavy rain...ugggg its been a wet summer. 


Not much more going on here, we have no plans per say....Have a good day!

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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Went swimming in my sister's pool today. I've been thinking of finding a water aerobics class because I miss it. You get a real good workout although I could do without the sunburn.

Back to work tomorrow. Boo! And I heard I will be getting unexpected company in a few days. Hope you all had a good holiday.
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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

I didn't do a darn thing all day - well exercise anyway.  Cleaned up around the house a bit, watched a movie - "Book Club' - liked it a lot, did some laundry, read a little.  In general, I just relaxed.   Back to work tomorrow which sounds awful to me tonight.  LOL 


Hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend. 


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Registered: ‎06-09-2014

Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Drug myself out of bed this morning (that was tough) and got my butt to Pound and Power. 


She took away my Cake song in Pound so I guess that's gone for another 2 years.  Instead she did an all lunge track.  I did not need that with yard work and swimming.  My legs were already toast but I got through it.


Then Power which is also a lot of legs...I may need a support donkey to carry me back and forth and around the office today.  My sunburn didn't help me either.  I am a big OW all over. 


We also got back a lot of people who took the summer off and are now in class again.  Power was crowded and we were missing some regulars like Nudie and Uncle Vinny.  Adonis didn't even have room for his normal I'm sexy and I know it catwalks.   


I'm pretty proud of myself for three whole workout days over a weekend and holiday.  I have also been sneaking in an ab routine at home that we do in class to Back it Up that is easy and fun to do.


It should be a slow day at work.  I am going to try and sneak away to Walmart and see about getting some mats for the workout area.  I thought about rugs but I think a mat may be the correct way to go so nothing slides.  We'll see.


Have a good week everyone!

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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

[ Edited ]

Good morning fellow exercisers.  We had rain, rain and more rain.  It's supposed to happen most of the week.


Luckily, my son and his family left for the airport before the downpour started since they left around 11:30 and the rain started around 1:30.  But by 3:30, the time of their flight, the rain was fierce.  Flight delayed.


I haven't done any exercising since Friday!  Too busy with company and visiting relatives.  We brought soooo much food from the BBQ.  I'm wondering if my sister won a lottery, lol, she bought so much food!  Her husband BBQ'd  ribs, chicken, burgers, brats.....   and she cooked a lot of sides.  I brought a huge cake that I had made but the rest was financed by them.  Everybody took home enough food for at least two days!


Today I'm doing Body & Sculpt, Flexibility and then Zumba.  I hope everybody had a happy 😊 weekend like I did.  Sensibility is back in the house now, lol.  ( @Laura14, you have so much energy!)



“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Registered: ‎06-09-2014

Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

@Mmsfoxxie  Please send some rain this way.  Even the hurricane isn't going to give me a drop.  


Glad to hear your family time was excellent!  

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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

just peeking in---am in the middle of a floor installation and boy, is it loud in here.  They couldn't install the laminate in  the kitchen because the floor isn't level, so the sales guy is coming by to show me some linoleum.  I was okay with having the  old stuff in there, as long as the carpeting was gone.  I am happy to report there were no dead mice under the furniture, but lots of chew bones and I found the dog dish that has been missing for two years.  I thought Kevin had taken it out to the yard  and buried it.


The conference was good, but  I  did not win a position  on the national board.  The incumbent chairperson was NOT reelected and I cannot stand the guy that won.  He's an absolute tool.  As we were leaving--he sent the current Executive Director (who has been with that  organization for almost 30 years in some capacity--board member or executive director) an email that  said "Your services as Executive Director are hereby suspended".  Well, guess what--he doesn'thave the authority to do that--he serves on the personnel  committee, but doesn't have a vote.


No workout for a very long time-I still don't  know what they are going to do with the Zumba class on Thursday.


@Laura14 ,look for a SPLASH class--that's the certification I got in July.  It's the aqua version of LaBlast--so ballroom dance in the water.  It was so much fun and one heck of a work out!


Waving  to everyone--hopefully I will  be back  to  a normal schedule by Thursday--this floor installation is only supposed to be one day.  I don't know what's going to happen with the linoleum part in the kitchen and downstairs powder room.