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Re: Warning about CPAP cleaning devices

I clean my husband's cpap by hand and I am grateful for the helpful hints.   I really appreciate the info that I get from reading these blogs and forums.   I look forward to fhis each day.  

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Re: Warning about CPAP cleaning devices

@Scooby Doo wrote:

Good to know.  My DD uses the So-Clean and her DD has asthma, so I referred the article to her.

I've also read somewhere that the So-Clean really doesn't get the machine any cleaner than soaking the equipment in vinegar water.

My husband has an older C-PAP machine that you can't take apart to clean. It's enclosed. 


You replace a small foam disposable/replaceable air filter underneath it.


You can clean or hand wash the other parts, like the masks and the hoses.


He was told to wash them routinely after soaking them for at least 15 minutes in a mixture of plain tap water and household white vinegar.


Then rinse them well in tap water, and allow the hose to air dry by hanging it up, like hanging it over your shower door/shower curtain/door--something like that.