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@Mmsfoxxie , I actually had my nail removed last year because it was lifting.  I don't know if you remember, but I damaged the nail moving furniture, so it didn't just fall off.  I did have new nail growing underneath and it had fully grown out by like May.  It is still kind of sensitive though.  While it was lifting, I used the kind of tape that they wrap your arm up after giving blood--it sticks to itself but not your skin. I would wrap it as tight as I could without cutting off the circulation.  However, once that nail started really lifting, it was extremely painful, which is why I went to the podiatrist.  While I was on the table and he was looking at it, he basically wiggled it and pulled it right off.  We both kind of looked at each other and I said that didn't even hurt.  I saved myself getting a shot in my toe--I just needed a bandaid.


I injured it in August, lost the nail in September and it was almost grown out by the time I went on my cruise in mid-March.  Hope that helps.

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Registered: ‎06-19-2010


[ Edited ]

Good morning, group.  Boy was yesterday a nasty day!  I didn't go out although I had errands I needed to do.  Funny, though......I haven't had a trick or treater at my door for years but got one yesterday.  Go figure.  I didn't open the door because I had no treats.  I peeped out the window and saw a little girl around 7-ish being helped in by a car her mother.  She was so bundled up that I couldn't see her costume.

@DrKelli, I vaguely remember the story now that you're repeating it.  That's funny how the nail just wiggled off.  My left big toenail has had a slight fungus on it for years.  It doesn't get worse but it isn't attached to the toe all the way to the end as it should be.  Went to a podiatrist who suggested a medication with a lot of side effects which I declined.  Tried home remedies which didn't work.  It won't lift enough to fall off and no new nail is growing underneath.  Guess I'll leave well enough alone.   Thanks for sharing.  Oh, and I'm sure your biopsy news was great.


It's in the twenties so I'm going to have to get my winter coat out....brrr.  Hopefully, I'm going to go out for my Senior Cardio class for a good 🏋️‍♂️ workout.


Have a great day everyone.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Well here we go into November,,,good grief!   We had a ton of trick or treaters last night and it was really crummy out, windy and very cold, at one time I had 15 kids!   That was 1 group alone!!   I almost ran out of candy!


Today I did 30 minutes on the treadmill, 20 on the cyclotrainer ( TG) and 30 on the reformer stretching and using the magic circle..then I did a dog walk this afternoon on the trail.  


It's winter coat and hat and mitts here now, our avg. temp is 45 and we are 10 below that, and nights in the 20's and 10's.  


I loaded the Lose It app on my phone to see if I could follow it to try and lose some weight but dang it to ******, I do not have the patience to look up everything I put in my mouth!  I know it's me, and I own it.   But many things I make from scratch and then you'd have to put in each ingred. and figure out the portions and I get so sick of doing that... so I guess it is what it is.  


Making pork chops for hubby tonight, I don't know what I feel like having, not really hungry right now.


Hang in there everyone, @DrKelli  when will you hear about your biopsy!  Sending positive wishes and good thoughts!

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Biopsy went fine, I'm sitting here with an ice pack in my bra. To be honest, I'm not getting warm fuzzy feelings about the results. I hope I'm wrong. One of my race walk friends is the chaplain at the hospital and I stopped in his office on my way to the procedure and he felt compelled to pray so I hope that helped! I went to the podiatrist afterwards and there is a procedure they can do to help my nail but it sounded awful and he thought it might be okay to get that nail grown out and see if that helps. Then I went Christmas shopping.


i do have a funny story though. After the procedure, you have to get another mammogram and the tech came and got me. She asked if I was okay and I said well I could use a donut. She laughed and took the X-ray and said just wait here until I show the doctor. So I did and about 5 minutes later, she comes back and said you're good to go and look what I found! And she had a donut! Day made.

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Its late Friday afternoon and the end of the work day cannot come fast enough.  What a crazy week.  


@bopper  and @Mmsfoxxie  can't believe your cold weather already!  I won't tell you what it is here.....


@DrKelli thats a great story about the donut.  Sending good thoughts and wishes your way re the biopsy.


Not much news here.  Worked out yesterday but not today.  Have no real plans for the weekend other than the usual errands, etc.


Take care!

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Good evening!  Its early Saturday evening.  Today I did a few errands and typical weekend stuff.  This morning tho I did do 40 minutes of Pilates.  Had forgotten how much I enjoy that DVD that I have.


Don't forget to turn your clocks back tonight!


Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

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Posts: 11,182
Registered: ‎06-19-2010


[ Edited ]

Good morning, everyone.  Weather was cool but very nice this weekend.


Hubby will probably use my car today so my exercising will be done at home.  Have no idea what that will be.  I know I will do at least 10 stairs just to see it on my Fitbit although this week's Fitbit data will be down.  We're going to Vegas tomorrow and might not take it with me.


Going to Vegas for three days to see my son and his family.  Want to see the two granddaughters, especially the six month old one who is having so many medical challenges and I've never met.  I thought I had chosen a week to go that she had no medical appointments but a new one popped in for tomorrow.  That's ok......I just want to meet her and spend some time with her.  I told my son to not consider us company.  We will be on our own because handling the baby's needs is a 24 hour job for both of them and we don't want to add to the stress.  We want to be invisible, lol.


Soooo, I'll probably be off the radar for the rest of this week.  You guys enjoy yourselves.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,743
Registered: ‎03-10-2010


Good morning, all!  I'm still on "rest" for one more day.  I can start working out again tomorrow.  I have a pretty big bruise from the biopsy and need to be a little careful, but it's over with except for the waiting.  I am hoping I get results today or tomorrow.  I keep checking the patient portal.


I didn't do much this weekend because the doctor told me I had to take it easy, so I did.


@Mmsfoxxie enjoy your grandchildren.  I know you worry about the little one, but just try to soak up as much fun as you can.


Has anyone heard for @laura14 or @nomless?  I hope they are okay!


Have a good week all!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010


Happy Monday, it's sloppy wet slushy snow here, not a fan!  I walked the trail in my boots and they are NOT waterproof.


I did the TG this morning, and some light stretching.  I was listening to a man on video talk about what body type you are and I think I am called an Endomorph, hard type to lose weight, and that would be me.  He was saying Cardio is not my friend.  Said long cardio sessions will not help me, what I need to do is like 3     10 minute intense cardio sessions a week, and then the strength training, and the almost keto diet which I know is popular and I am not condoning it but its not for me.   I  prefer more plant based foods,  which I try to do but with limited finances for groceries we find it hard.  Is there really any answers??


@DrKelli so sorry you had to go through this procedure, keep praying and keeping your Faith up, we are all here for you!!!  


@Mmsfoxxie enjoy your Vegas trip, you should be in nice weather though, and cuddle that little one!  I know it's hard for you to go sometimes because of drama but you will meet this sweet little one and it will all be worth it.  Praying for safe travels!


@JudyL yes snow, I'm getting old as I am not ready for winter, I could do about 1 month and I'm done!  Seriously I am!  But it is what it is, and have to get through it.  Stay safe in the midst of those fires.


As far as Laura goes, I haven't heard either and to be perfectly honest and it really hurts me to say this so please listen.  Nomless has been very very sick for at least a year, we were in contact once a week on another website, I never new her real name, she only went by nomless.   The last time I heard from her was September 9th, so unlike her, and she always would message me back.  I have messaged her numerous times and no answer.  I have a really bad feeling, and you know where I am going.  I promised her I would not disclose what was wrong as she is a very private person, so even now I don't feel right about saying but I'm really afraid we have lost her, and it tears me up to say it.  Please respect her privacy if indeed she just can't communicate, she may be able to read but that being said I am very afraid that's not the case.    She would have let me know because I told her how worried I have been not hearing from her.   I pray the Lord welcomed her with open arms, it's all I can do! 


Sorry to end on a sad note but since it was brought up.


Have a good day everyone!