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Happy Sunday, it's 66 here I hope it doesn't get any warmer.


@kate2357  I'm so sorry about the setbacks, it's hard to fathom I am sure.  That's a lot of steps!!  Prayers staying until Jack comes home!!!


The weightloss and diet, yup.  Same.  I'm 68 so close to 70 also, and yes we do better than others, we know that.   We need to be grateful that we do what we do.  I see so many people looking as if they can hardly walk anymore and they appear old and are younger than me.


Some days are better than others for sure, just have to remember motion is lotion right?


Guess I'll get another cup of coffee and see what the day brings.

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Hi, ladies!


@kate2357, I'm going to reread your post to the reason your husband will have to approach food differently. I was reading all the post hastily.  But til praying for you.  (When I say I'm praying for someone, I literally do it at that moment so that it's not just words typed).


@bopper, sorry for your loss and you're right...deaths seem to be coming a lot lately.  Glad you're getting your affairs in order.  When you mentioned the 77 year old woman who was recently widowed, I thought about myself.  Second marriages can be messy when everyday is already in place when you move into the house.  Our phone bill and other utilities are in hubby's name and it's caused a problem or two when I've had to call them.  Comcast finally acknowledged me and has both of our names.  My husband doesn't want to talk about death.  Long story.


Well, we had a nice weekend.  Two of my sisters have used one of those ancestry services and a few months ago they got in touch with a cousin that one of my uncles had unbeknownst to anybody.  She didn't know her father or any of her father's family.  We met up at one of my sister's homes for a pot luck meet and chat, about 16 of us including spouses.  My uncle, who is her father's brother drove over to meet her, too and brought a big picture of the father she'd never seen.  She could see the resemblance.


Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Good morning!  


This morning I did a 15 minute Leslie Sansone workout.  Nothing to strenuous.  Still just getting the knee used to moving.  Felt a bit better/easier today.  


I've done all my estate planning and recently took care of a few other things.  It's not an easy discussion with family but one that needs to be done, if you can.  I now know that everything is in order and when my time comes, things should go smoothly and easily for my DD.  When my father passed and I saw how well he had everything set up and how easy it made it for my sister to do his estate with his attorney's help, I then made sure that I took care of things for my DD. 


Not much planned for this Memorial Day.  Wishing everyone a good, safe, day.  Prayers going out for all.  Take care


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 Took a Memorial Day Hike- not in the mts.. but still very nice.. was out in nature for a good hour- birdwatching and enjoying the good weather. My steps said nearly 4 miles roundtrip.  It started getting crowded as I was getting back and I thought i was starting late.. Most  getting a later start. Pretty hard these days to get away from people.

 Just DH and I - grilling brats and hotdogs.. leftovers for a few days too.!! 

Going to check on all my plants - probably talk to them!! HA!

 Enjoy the day..

 Tomorrow back to the rec center and biking...


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Happy Memorial Day and thank you to all who have served.


Today I did a 40 minute spin and 30 minutes on the reformer, walked the Cemetery and looked at all the flags.  It was 90 here today.   I know right!!


I also pray at the moment, so I can do it "right" not that there is a wrong way but I think you all know what I mean.


Kind of a sad weekend with my BIL's passing so doing our best.  His sons, I feel terrible for, no parents at all and only 28 and 31 years old.


Almost bed time here for this gal.   Hair appt. tomorrow.

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I am getting in a huge number of steps each day, but no formal exercise. I am exhausted by the time I get home and feel good that I've washed my face and brushed my teeth by the end of my day.


This morning the hospital asked me to come in early (6 am) because they had staff shortages and had not been able to get to Jack as often as they would like. Jack is totally dependent on people to help him and this dang hospital doesn't have enough people. It's not a for profit hospital...they just don't have enough trained nurses.


This is the first Memorial Day in 30 years I was not able to get to the graveside over Memorial Day weekend. Jack and I always went to my relatives one day, then his relatives the next day with flowers, plants, flags, etc. Then one of us would go all thru June to water, check on plants. I know my relatives would understand why this year is different...but it still feels like I am letting people down. Sigh.

"What we practice daily is what we build a life on. Practice peace, love & kindness."
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@kate2357 , so glad that at least you're holding up!  Yeah, these hospitals will force you to get that walking in.  🙏🏽

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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@kate2357  you are the second person recently that mentioned hospital staff shortages.

My "career" was a nurse.  Even back in the horse and carriage days( ha!) we always seemed to be short of nurses.. It wasn't until men entered the field more that our pay increased and staffing got a little better for nurses.. ( sad but true). Covid took a big toll on many nurses leaving.   It will take time to rebuild from that. That being said...maybe some patients diverted to another hopsital so all get good care should be looked at. That decision seems to fall on personnel far removed from actual patient care.

The other person mentioning nursing shortage said there is a whole new wing waiting to open, but no one to staff it.

 You are getting alot of steps in.. and in doing so- hope you are nurturing yourself too.


    I went to the rec center.. did weights and a little cardio.. Felt good and I hope to get in a bike ride too if I get my cleaning done this morning.

   Enjoy the day everyone..

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My niece is having the hardest time getting into nursing programs.  She has done her pre-requisite classes at the community college level, got great grades, but can't get into a CA State college  program because they only allow a small amount of students per semester and if she's applying at a state college out of her county, she's at the bottom of the list.  Students who want to enroll from the county where the state college is, get picked first.  For all the cries of nursing shortages, it's hard for these kids to get into the programs.  The private colleges offering nursing programs are exorbitantly expensive.   She's not giving up though as she really wants to be a nurse so I'm hoping it happens for her soon.


No workout for me today - at least not yet.  Knee was not happy this morning so, at least so far, not going to do anything.  May later if it feels better.



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@JudyL  Sorry to hear it's hard to get into nursing school in her state.  "Back in the day"- I had a hospital sponsor me and  paid some of the tuition- I had to commit to 90 days of work to that hospital  in order not to have to have to pay back any... I suppose an internship of sorts. I got some good hands on training.That was in the East.  It's sad when genuinely interested people want to go into the field and are hampered by the bureaucracy of it all. It seems there is a disconnect somewhere along the line.