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@kate2357 - Pretty normal for Jack to be on roller coaster of feelings now that the reality is sinking and he is out of any cardiac complications.. Its easy for us to say he'll make it through this ( and he will) but  it's human nature to want to be like we were " before"- How well I know with a bought of cancer nearly 5 years ago.. I came through it- but residual  digestive problems and scarring from radiation altered my life for good.  I don't dwell on it  much anymore..  but I know it took me a long time to accept it and move on. And Jack will and so will you. Everything is is raw at the moment and some fear of what lies ahead and the unknown.. 

 We here are for YOU... and whenever you need an outlet for your feelings.


  @DrKelli - good news on lab results..


   Everyone...  It's getting close to Memorial Day  weekend. No plans for me.. But I do plan exercising every day.. My rec center has shortened hours so will not be going there..  @bopper  you inspire me to do my workouts - keeping me in check!


The haze ( smoke) from Canada fires seems less today.. yay!

    Love reading all the posts.. 

 Have a happy Thursday..

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Good Morning, Well it was 28 when I got up.   Birdbath frozen, and I mean frozen!


But now it's gorgeous, I decided to step outside for a beautiful walk this morning.   Saw the buffalo, Red Winged Blackbird on a pond, golfers, heard so many birds.   Just a beautiful time for reflection.   And that is all I'm doing today!


It's my son's 40th Birthday.  Can't believe I have a 40 year old son and a almost 44 year old son.   I'm not that old!!!


Our driveway is being black topped today.  They had said next week but plans changed and they said this afternoon.  I'm so happy!   My neighbor is letting us park in his driveway for a couple days so it's perfect.  


Hugs and prayers to everyone.  


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Thank you for your prayers....yesterday was so bleak and I was distraught. I spoke with friends and family and asked for prayers for Jack yesterday (Wed). And thankfully, Jack rebounded and is doing better today. 


My only other comment is insurance companies are just horrible to deal with and cause families such anguish with their poor execution.


I hope you found your ENT okay and you are able to see some improvement very soon.


"What we practice daily is what we build a life on. Practice peace, love & kindness."
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@bopper thank you for your prayers. They were needed.


Hope,your weather is good for this coming weekend. It's so nice to be able to go outside and just move in the sunshine.

"What we practice daily is what we build a life on. Practice peace, love & kindness."
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I am so glad to read your results came back good. Hope you have an enjoyable weekend. 

"What we practice daily is what we build a life on. Practice peace, love & kindness."
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@violet runner 

Everything is raw is a great way to describe the feelings. Yesterday looked bleak, today is better.


I am glad you are doing well and sorry for the lingering issues. I have a good friend who has digestive issues from her radiation treatments and while she is very happy to be in recovery/remission, she has to approach food as energy, not for enjoyment and taste. We found out today that Jack will also have to approach food differently and I will need to learn to cook a new way...and we will do what needs to be done.

"What we practice daily is what we build a life on. Practice peace, love & kindness."
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Hey ya'all.   I didn't check in yesterday and now looks like nobody did!   


I woke to losing another family member.   My husbands brother died unexpectedly.  I mean so many since late 2022 and 2023 now.  It was a bad day all around, spent 3 hours at Verizon because I wanted them to put a new battery in my phone and they don't do that and sent me on a wild goose chase and nobody does it.   So bought a new phone, only 2 people working and a huge line.   I met a nice lady 77 who was so spunky, her husband passed on Tuesday and she had his death cert. with her to show them that she needed her names on the account, she said it's been a nightmare with only his names on accounts.    Next week we are meeting with an estate planner to get our affairs in order so our kids don't have to worry about it.  Finally we are doing it.


Today I did a good workout though and you know the saying "its okay to get uncomfortable"   Well I was but for change we need to get uncomfortable to get results.  I rode the spin bike for 45 minutes, hit peak heart rates several time, and fat burn the rest of the time.  Torched over 500 calories, then 22 minutes of advanced Pilates reformer..  


I was at the cemetary also and all the flags are out, and dads has one and his metal ground plate saying he served is now in also.  I wonder if its safe to plant, we get frost a lot of the time.   It's 76 outside and low humidity.  Hubby rode his bike to work 7 miles each way.


I haven't lost any weight, even not changing how I eat you'd think because I workout pretty intensely that something would move, but nope.  Muffin top I HATE it.   Tank tops cling right there unless I wear my shorts/pants like Fred Mertz LOL.... 


So right now I"m inside watching baseball, it's beautiful out but its getting hot.  I don't feel guilty for watching TV either, I worked hard this morning. 


Hope everyone has a safe weekend.   Thinking of @kate2357 and prayers continued for Jack!

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@bopper - sorry for your loss... It does seem like you have had more than you share of  deaths in the family. Enough already.

  And you are working out hard.. Wish I knew the magic combination of diet and exercise- not expecting miracles at almost 70- but slimmer and toned would be the expectation I place on myself- also not happening. I am in the middle of adjusting my thyroid med with my doc- he assures me getting it at a certain level is key for me to help in wt. loss. its been a slow adjustment.. too slow for me!! HA! I retest labs in June. Hopefully it's going in the rt direction. I am no where near exercising at a level I should be.. being lazy.. but I do feel I do better than some.. not as good as others. 

  I had my grandson overnight last night.. That's a workout, right?? And we took a long ( slow) walk this morning. He stubbed his big toe - his parents picked him up and they think he lost a toenail.. so they are off to urgent care.. Never a dull moment!

  I am going to take another walk, put the house back in order and relax..


  Hope everyone is doing ok..  We are expecting more rain this afternoon. 

 Wish I was close enough to visit my Dad's grave ( its in NY) - me in CO. Memorial Day was kinda big in our little town..  his gravesight will have a flag - nice they do that.

  Time to go.. thinking of all of you -


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Hi Everyone!


@bopper - so sorry to hear about your DH's brother.  Your family has had a lot of loss these past 6 months or so.


@violet runner- hope you can get your thyroid meds adjusted and that it helps you.


These past few days my knee has felt pretty good so this morning I did a 1 mile -15 minute - Leslie Sansone workout.  Testing the waters, so to speak, to see how everything feels.  Know I didn't get my heart rate up.  This morning's goal was just to move the legs/knee and see how it does.


Prayers are continuing for @kate2357 and Jack and adding everyone else in too! 

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I am so sorry for your loss. Unexpected loss is such a jolt and I find it so difficult to move past.  


Jack has struggled this past week. He will have a good day and we get all excited. Then he has 2 bad days in a row and I am a mess. Was up a straight 40 hours and finally came home tonight. You would think I would fall right to sleep...alas, I have not been able to shut off my  brain.


The weather here has been so lovely and our flowering shrubs look so spectacular right now. I have been showing Jack our yard and it does make him smile.


No running yet...but my goodness, I am getting in a lot of steps. One day was close to 20,000 steps.


Hope everyone has nice sunny weather and can get outside to enjoy a walk or a hike. Spring is my favorite time of year.

"What we practice daily is what we build a life on. Practice peace, love & kindness."