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@Mmsfoxxie I agree with you about messing up your feet doing aerobics without shoes back in the day. Now my feet hate to be in shoes for longer than an hour if I can stand it. Broke a few toes on the way without shoes on. See you when MAFS starts again!


@kate2357 That is such exciting news for you and your family!


@JudyL Hope your BP medicine change helps things rather quickly.


@bopper Still praying for you and your son's healing.


Monday, Thursday and today I ran 3 plus miles and walked about 2 miles on Tuesday and Friday.  Still have to want to work some weights in the schedule.


Enjoy the rest of your weekend!



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 @kate2357  Great news about Jack. Its been a long road to recovery and some to go- its always good to see efforts rewarded.. Happy for you and your family and Jack!!

 @bopper  Hope your son's recovery is going as planned. 

  @lizzys  Your walking/ running is going good. I can't run anymore, but I sure admire those that do!

  @JudyL  As others have said- may a change of meds be the thing  that helps your gout.

      I got an alert on my phone last night- a bad storm coming and it did!  Hail, wind, downpour,  thunder and lightning..  You could follow its path on the app. While We needed the rain..less violent would have been nicer. Looks like my plants made it. I'll check for sure at daylight.

   My DH and I dont' travel much these days- but I want to see my Mom in rural NY. ( she's 95 in a nursing home) After so many mishaps flying, we now only do direct flights. Have missed more than our share of connecting flights. Long story short- very limited flights to a smaller NY city from CO , high flight cost, car rentals, and hotels  it goes on and on.  Can I put a price on seeing my Mom? I didnt' think so, but yes, I think I can.

 We decided to push the dates a month into Sept and will look at that. More off season.

Thanks for letting me vent.  It's so frustrating!


 Plan to get out for a walk today.. it'gonna be a cool day afte the storm last night.

 I also got my first sweet corn from a farmstand yesterday.. It was delcious!

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After the IT outage last week, the Atlanta airport is still a mess. My mom is trying to get out for Hawaii today. We'll see. Delta seems to have imploded.


I am set I think on driving to Iowa for my vacation. Cheaper and I just don't want to deal with airports anymore. I think this solidified my two day drive up and back. Just have to pick when to go. 


I have been doing little things since I hit my time goals on Tuesday. I have used my indoor bike and some minor running and cardio along with walks. A new week starts tomorrow when I usually go hiking. 


Apparently the copperheads are out in force. I have only seen two snakes in hiking at the park over the years and they were not copperheads. Big black snakes, but still. They are developing a lot of land around us and I think the animals don't know where to go. 


Anyway, hope everyone has a great Sunday. I am doing the heavy laundry and refreshing the bed so it's a housekeeping kind of day. Enjoy your Sunday! 

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Some idle chatter:  I almost never order from qvc any more.  The last two times I ordered was from items I saw in emails that they send me everyday.  Well this morning, I thought.....let me look at QVC today and try and catch David to see how he's keeping his weight down.  I couldn't remember qvc's lineup on Comcast so I had to look it up.  No qvc.  I went to my Comcast account to check for it.  It gave me three channels but none had QVC.  Unbelievable that I don't have it.  I've had QVC since 1985 when I eagerly waited for them to come on.  I feel like a death has happened to an old friend.  😞


@Laura14, you're gonna drive solo for two days?  I'm too chicken to do that.  Plus, my since of direction is bad.  GPS or not.  I admire you for the ability to not be afraid though.  In my next life, I'm gonna be one of the bravest people in the world, lol.  Good luck.  Btw...I hope Delta is operating fine by October since I'll be using them.  Everyone was so nice and helpful.  Don't like that Atlanta airport, though.  Wayyyy to many people and too many terminals.  I had wheelchair assistance and they zoomed through the airport like they were on an expressway.



“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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@Mmsfoxxie Yep! I have never had anyone close to me so I've done my whole life solo. I'm not sure it's brave just necessity.


And you can always watch QVC through this website or on youtube or on pluto tv which is free on the internet. I haven't watched QVC in forever and they just sent me a coupon which cleverly can't be used until Monday so you miss the free ship. It will go unused. 


Ever since we went to streaming channels, it's just not the same watching everything on a tablet. The tv takes forever to turn on and find the streaming channel you want so I find I am a Pluto TV person for the last several months or YouTube. Completely free and I have given up on Y&R. I don't even watch anything much anymore except the old shows on Pluto. I keep my iPad on the kitchen counter and let it go while I do other things. 


Getting a lot more work done on my side hustle so that's a plus. 



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Hey all, checking in.  My son went home yesterday, the hospital said nothing more they could do that he couldn't do at home.   5 neck fusions were done, nothing done on the back, they are hoping that will heal on its own.   He's in a neck brace for 2 months, not sure he will be able to return to his job as he drives a semi and you have to be able to turn your head to get your CDL license.  It's been a nightmare, my DIL is not speaking to me, may have told you all I can't remember one day to another.  


Today was the first day I actually did a 20 minute workout.  I'm not worrying about workouts right now, my sleep has sucked.   Just have to go day by day.


Thank you all for the continued prayers!

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I hope your son heals quickly. You and your family are in my prayers. Take care.





"What we practice daily is what we build a life on. Practice peace, love & kindness."
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I hope your mother was able to get home safely. What a pita to be stuck...even if it is Hawaii.

"What we practice daily is what we build a life on. Practice peace, love & kindness."
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@kate2357 They were actually trying to get to Hawaii for a vacation. They never made it.

They tried all day yesterday to get out of Atlanta on Delta and finally gave up and cancelled the trip.


Her husband just survived treatment for prostate cancer so it was supposed to be a celebration. It's amazing how one group of people not doing their job can make a mess for so many. The amount of money lost for the travel industry alone must be incredible and I feel for the agents who have to deal with people and they did nothing wrong. 


I am going to pack my bag for a trip to the park after work today. I need to clear my own head. It's been a lot lately and I need a break myself even if it's only in my own backyard. 


Kicking off the week with my hike later today. Have a good week all. 



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@bopper  Your son is home! That's good.  Will heal better there. You may be right about his job, but that's a bridge to cross after he gets better.   Hugs to you. 

 @Laura14   Sorry your mom didn't get to Hawaii.

 This whole  mess with the airlines came when I was trying to  figure out a flight to NY to see my Mom. I spent some hours this weekend looking at flights- car rentals , hotels etc. and getting to her gave me 1 possibly 2 choices and both are complicated to get there. I threw my hands in the air and decided to table  this for now. I have the news on this morning and flights are still a mess. For those of us that fly infrequently- it's a nightmare I don't want right now. And I realized I have waited too long to book- I should have gotten tickets months ago. So there's that.   

  I  got out in nature and walked yesterday.  Today I plan to bike.  Both those things bring me joy and we all could use more of that in our lives now!

  Have a good day..