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Group morning everyone.  I hope everyone is well.  My side of town got lucky and I see no snow on the street.  Chilly, though.


This is my runaround day.....gas, groceries, pedicure and a trip to the seamstress to get a couple of Diane Gilman jeans shortened.  I've had them for years but just didn't do it.  Another example of petite still being too long.  I can get by with 28 inch inseam but not 30 inch.  Twenty seven inch is better.  These last couple of years, though, the petite inseams are more realistic.


Please be safe and enjoy your day.



“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Good Morning, the majority of the snow system stayed to the South of us but it is very windy, they said 30mph winds today and gusitng to 50 mph, whipping the snow around for sure,  I am not going to get groceries today, a little short on cash this week. 


Foxxie a pedicure sounds wonderful!  Enjoy your day!  I have trouble with inseams not long enough, so we are at opposite ends of that spectrum  Hahha


I made a spaghetti pie for dinner yesterday and it was really good.  I found the recipe on Pinterest, enough for 2 meals for sure, maybe more.


I am thawing some rhubarb and blueberries and making a crips today, its just that kind of day!


I'll be doing my treadmill and pilates today, abs with planks.


Enjoy the day everyone!

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@JudyL wrote:

@Boehm Collector  Thats great!  I'm still working on around 30 minutes 3-4 days a week.  Would eventually like to get up to 45 minutes 4-5 days a week.  I'll get there.  Just taking my time as I don't want to overdo and/or burn out.  I mostly do workout DVDs as thats easiest for me due to space but have always wanted a Total Gym.  Maybe some day if I get rid of some of my stuff!  LOL

Hi @JudyL .... just work your way up at your own pace.   I TRY to workout every day but it doesn't always happen.  I'm doing at least 5 days a week. 

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Good morning, all!  We are expecting a lovely day today here in Colorado.  And snow on Friday for the Rockies Home Opener.


This is a story of 'fate'.  I need to buy a suit for my conference later this summer because I'm too fat for anything I own.  I was planning to go to Loft to see what they had, but this morning as I was coming up out of the parking garage (attached to a large shopping area downtown), the new display (each store gets a turn to put their offerings in a display cabinet that is central in the shopping area) had a really pretty suit in pink (I love pink and I am famous for wearing it in the organization that the conference is attached to). I think I found my suit!


Today is restorative yoga and I am ready for it!  I almost hurt myself yesterday trying to jump on the shuttle bus that runs up and down the 16th street mall--the doors closed on my backpack and kind of yanked me back.  I don't know why those stupid drivers can't wait 30 more seconds for people trying to get on the bus before the light changes.


Tonight is my HOA board meeting.  Which is something I wish I wouldn't have gotten involved in, but people in my neighborhood don't seem to care to serve the community but boy will they gripe if things are not to their liking.  When you tell them--get on the board and help make these decisions--they all scatter like cockroaches.  So I'm basically stuck, along with 2 others who have been on the board since the community started in the early 2000s.  I've been there since 2005, so I'm really not far behind.  I've only been on the board for about 6 or 7 years--I don't really remember when I got on.


Hope you all have a great day.

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Hi Everyone!  Kind of a nice day in the Bay - getting cloudy and we are expected a lot of rain between Thursday and Saturday morning.


This morning I did 40 minutes of yoga.  Rec'd an email that my new Body Gym bands will be delivered today so will try them out tomorrow morning.


Having a busy day at work so gotta run!  Have a good day!



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[ Edited ]

Judy, I didn't know we could get replacement bands for BodyGym. Thanks for mentioning it. I hope your physical went ok. Good job with yoga, etc. 


Hi, BoehmCollector, you're doing well, too. Consistency is so good for us.


DrKelli, I hope you get that pink suit. I love pink and it looks good on me, but I don't have much. I hear pink is in this year, so I should make a trip to the mall and see what I can find.


Bopper, it was 17 degrees here last night! You're not alone with crummy weather. It's usually not this cold here in April and everyone is fed up! Flowers had started to bloom, but all dead now. Sad. When spring does get here, it won't be very pretty. Oh, well. At least it will be warm someday.


Laura, I hope you find ways to relax and rest your mind. You have so much going on now, it will be important to make time to destress. Hang in there.


Hi, Foxxie. I hope you're having a good week. I'm fortunate that DG petites work for me...just. It's such a hassle to get things tailored, as you know. Now you have brand new jeans to wear, a fresh start for spring. Nice. 🌼

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Good morning everyone.  I tell you, that wind almost blew me away yesterday, lol.  It felt like 10 degrees at its strongest.


Yeah, @nomless it will feel like new pairs of jeans.  The chambray pair I wore once about five years ago but I was able to wear four inch high platform shoes to take up the length.  I can't wear shoes that high anymore and still walk.  The red pair, I never wore.  Twenty dollars to alter for both.  Not bad.  I don't want to be like a couple ladies I knew and die with a closet full of clothes with tags still on them.  Yes, I'm strange, lol.


@DrKelli, I wouldn't mind a pink suit either.  Mid to deep pink, though.  For some reason, I'm buying a lot these last couple of months, mainly from Q.  I just wrote a review on a Lisa Rinna maxi dress which is a cute dress when wore but the arm hole on one side was cut big and that side seam sewn on a curve .  Now I have to exchange it.  I'm sort of hoping they don't have anymore so that I can get my money back.  Since it was defective, I should get it all back anyway.


Gonna try and make that early Thursday Zumba Tone class.  Not easy since I have to eat before I go.  Don't like to take the chance of my blood sugar level dropping.  Maybe a walk afterwards or that class that I don't care for.


I hope all of you ladies are doing well.  Enjoy your day!


“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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[ Edited ]

I wish you could hear TAPS playing as you read this because we need a moment for Nudie who came to the gym again in her stocking. Smiley Sad


I wish she would go knock over a bank rather than wear that get up to Power class where we have lunges and squats and she has no coverage.  But she did stay on the other side of the room and gave Adonis a show.


Very, very light due to the ongoing Spring Break.  I was front row even though I am in the back corner.  Had to close the side emergency door again.  Someone obviously read my post about sneaking in at night and messing up the weights.  Now is that courtesy or what leaving a back door open for some fun?


Anyway, did some studying on a bike for some cardio and then went to Power class and had my heart attack when Nudie walked in owning every bit of that name and showing every bit she owned to the class.  


Have four formal gym days off but plan to get back to the trails at some point this weekend.  Nature misses me and I miss it.  Have a great Thursday all. 



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GOod morning, all!


@Laura14, I think someone at my gym would say something to Nudie for her lack of covering up.  One time, a guy had a pretty offensive t-shirt on and they asked him to turn it inside out, wear another shirt or leave.


I checked the suit out a little closer last night on my way to my car, they don't have the store information listed yet in their display cabinet, so I will have to wait a little longer.  It is actually more lilac than pink, but I still like it.  The only thing that may be a deal breaker is that it is cropped pants and I'm not sure what shoes I would wear with it.


I'm super busy at work today, so that should make the day go faster.  I have Zumba today and I will be subbing a Zumba class on Monday evening, so I really need to practice my new stuff.


Our HOA board meeting was short last night except that this one old broad showed up and she can't hear and I think she is senile and she's always got a list of complaints, most of which have already been addressed and when you tell her that, she keeps on going about the complaint.  And one of her complaints is that she never knows when the meetings are--well, they aren't HOA meetings, they are HOA BOARD meetings and we post them on the property management website.  Then she responds "Well, all the people who live in the neighborhood are retired and don't have computers"  I looked at her and said that isn't true.  Retired people are probably our smallest population because we have a lot of young families in our neighborhood and other working people.  I cringe when she walks in the door.


Oh well, hope you all have a great day!

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Good Morning!  Its gray and cloudy and we're getting ready for lots of rain here in the Bay.  Storm should start later today, be strongest tomorrow, and gone by Saturday afternoon.


I had good intentions of working out this morning but just didn't happen.  Seems I'm not quite there yet to work out 3 days in a row.  2 days in a row seem to be it for me right now and then I need a rest day.  Hopefully that will get better with time.


My pre-op physical went ok.  Blood pressure was high but doctor feels thats because I'm stressed out about the surgery/recovery.  She wants me to get a blood pressure monitor and take it 2-3 days a week, surgery/recovery week(s) excepted, and to email her with my results.  So ordered one from Amazon and it should arrive today.  The doctor was very happy tho to hear that I've been exercising 3-4 days a week, however, she wants me to amp it up a bit to get more of an aerobic workout.  In other words, I gotta sweat more.  LOL


@Laura14 I would think/hope the gym would tell Nudie to cover up!  Hope you are doing better and feeling more at peace with your situation.


@DrKelli  Please let us know about the suit!  I don't go to my HOA meetings but guess I should.  I know I couldn't be on the Board tho, don't have the patience.  I'm impressed!


Hope everyone has a good day!