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Registered: ‎07-03-2010

Vit B12 blood tests back reading high

I have just got my blood tests back and as a person who was deficient in vitb12 and then supplementing I now suddenly have a high reading , should not be more than a 1000 and mine is 2000 so am pretty worried and wondered if anyone else has had something similar . Thanks in advance - Karin 

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Re: Vit B12 blood tests back reading high

I had low b12 and took supplements. When I went back, they said it was fine, but never told me the number. 

If you are still taking the supplements, just back off of them a little. B12 is not fat soluable so you eliminate it easily. Also, excess B isn't alarming and won't harm you if you're otherwise healthy.

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Re: Vit B12 blood tests back reading high

High readings from taking b12, or eating foods withhigh concentrates of b12 are fine.  They cause no harm.  Your readings arent super high.  I think when a person has high readings and they are not taking b12


I had super, super high readings once.  I had been very on an energy drink kick, and taking supplements. 😬🤔😙. No wonder



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Re: Vit B12 blood tests back reading high

Mine was high at one point and my doctor wasn't concerned.  He seemed pleased that I had an overabundance.  I did back off the supplements a bit though and now it's in normal range. 

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Re: Vit B12 blood tests back reading high

If there was something to worry about the doctor would have called you pronto!

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Vit B12 blood tests back reading high

The mere fact that your B12 level went up after taking the supplement is a good thing and lets your doctor eliminate other possible areas of concerns. I had a similar situation, only mine did not go up after taking oral supplementation. I've been diagnosed with malabsorption so I need to get the shots.Smiley Tongue

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Re: Vit B12 blood tests back reading high

My BIL has an auto immune condition where his stomach doesn't absorb b12 from food.  His doctor told him to take the sublingual forms and I gave him a bottle on mine.  MRM brand, I think.


His numbers are good again. 


My numbers are in the good range always as I've been taking these under the tongue pills daily, plus a B complex.  Only because I don't eat meat.



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Re: Vit B12 blood tests back reading high

This is confusing since B12 supplements are water soluble your body is supposed to eliminate what your body does not need thru urination.

I would keep tabs on it since it could lead to a serious problem if it gets too high. 

I have too many red blood cells but not enough to do anything about it yet. I have it checked yearly. If it goes up too high I will have to have blood removed or bloodletting. It's called polycythemia vera which my dad had. It has not really changed over the years so I just hope it stays that way. Could also be a sign of leukemia which my mom died from.

Do some research so you know where you are so you can discuss with your doctor.

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Re: Vit B12 blood tests back reading high

@scraggy wrote:

I have just got my blood tests back and as a person who was deficient in vitb12 and then supplementing I now suddenly have a high reading , should not be more than a 1000 and mine is 2000 so am pretty worried and wondered if anyone else has had something similar . Thanks in advance - Karin 



Why are you worried?   All the blood tests I've had show a normal range to aim for, not one specific number.   Did you get a copy of the blood work results?  If the B-12 "normal" range is  (for example)  700 to 1700, you're not really in what would be seen as a serious danger zone.  If your MD didn't bring this up, they probably just thought it was "a little high" and will keep an eye on what the next couple readings are.  This is a water (not fat) soluable vitamin.


Just curious ..... you say you were taking a B-12 supplement .... just  how much per day were you taking?

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Re: Vit B12 blood tests back reading high

No reason to be worried; you've just overdone it on supplementing and need to cut back.   I currently maintain my B12 and Vit D with supplements twice a week, although at one time I was very deficient in both.