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Update from my Dr appt today

saw my surgeon about worsening neck, shoulder and arm pain. Xray looks good. My bone is growing in nicely and fusing with the donor graft. The cage around the operated vertebrae is in place. He said this nerve pain can happen spontaneously, no obvious reason, and may resolve on its own. He prescribed a short course of steroid and Gabapentin for pain. Will see me in eight weeks. If not better he will get an MRI. I think this will go away. 

Harmonize the World
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Re: Update from my Dr appt today

So glad to hear your good news!

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Re: Update from my Dr appt today

@smoochy  Sounds like good advice and, hopefully, the pain will resolve itself.  

Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life!
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Re: Update from my Dr appt today

That is good news for you, hopefully the pain will go away in time.



I have pain in my shoulder where the surgeon put in a plate when I broke it last winter.  

He offered to remove the plate but I am not interested in going thru another surgery....for now I will deal with the discomfort.

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Re: Update from my Dr appt today

Fantastic!  Hope the pain goes away soon!

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Re: Update from my Dr appt today

@smoochy.  Things sounds promising.   At least you didn't walk out with a subsequent surgery date.  We'll keep fingers crossed for you.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Update from my Dr appt today

Awesome news !!  Glad the fusion is progressing well.  Thanks for the update and wishing you a full recovery

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Re: Update from my Dr appt today

That sounds encouraging, Smoochie, is the Gabapentin working well for you? 

Lynn-Critter Lover!
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Re: Update from my Dr appt today

Wishing you well. lt's a terrible thing to be in constant pain.

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Re: Update from my Dr appt today


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