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OW!  Mouth pain is the worst!  Smiley Sad     


Too bad they didn't want to get you on antibiotics to get the infection down.  Doing so would also take the pain down.


Will they prescribe any better pain meds?   I agree that it doesn't seem right that they don't get you in ASAP, since you are in such profound pain.  I've never had a situation like that where the dentist didn't get me right in on an emergency basis.


Two more days of this is not right.   I wish I knew another way but either lessening the infection OR having some good pain meds is about all I know.

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i had the same problem, a toothache that started out painful and got so excrutiating i had to take Vicodin every 4 hours even overnight becuse i had to wait 2 days.  there was an abcess and an immediate root canal and filling were performed.  the dentist gave a script for  amoxicillin . and i only could get them after my appointment!   but they worked quickly!


good luck!!! 

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Re: Terrible Tooth Ache!

[ Edited ]

It's been almost a couple of hours since she posted, hope she's in the dentist's chair right now.

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I'm so sorry you have to go through that! believe me, I know what that feels like. when I had an awful toothache before, I took just 1 Advil and it shockingly got me through the day. even my dentist was surprised! I know you're already taking pain meds, but just In case you want to try something else, that worked for me. 

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Oh wow!  I know what you're going through.  I had the same problem two years ago.  My tooth decided to kick the bucket over the Fouth of July weekend, and I couldn't get in to see the dentist until Tues.  Then I had to wait to get in to the specialist doing the root canal for a couple more days.  The pain was so intense and nothing relieved the pain, even Rx pain pills.  It was so bad it made me cry, and I'm usually a tough old bird.  And then it hurt for a couple more days after the root canal.  My sympathy to you!

Can you call around to find another dentist who will get you in sooner?

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Take a cotton Qtip and saturate it with Tea Tree oil and place it on the gum of the tooth where it hurts the most, just let it sit there for a while, try not to swollow a whole lot of it but a tiny bit won't hurt - I had to wait 2 days for mine and this was a LIFE savor, I just did this on/off through day.


Also, Listerine kept in your mouth will help a little too but, not as well as the numbing action of the Tea Tree oil.  Good Luck!!

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OP:  I hope you are seeing an Endodontist.  They take you in ASAP.  I don't understand why you can't get a dentist to help you sooner than Thursday.  I feel your pain....

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Thank-you everyone for all your Helpful  suggestions.  You are all so nice.   I called the office and got a perscription for antibiotics....just took my first one. i take one every 8 hours.    I hope once these kick in I will start to feel better and get through the next  48 hours.  I tried the oil of clove and it did nothing.... So I will keep rotating the other pain meds I have .


 I have  some powerful pain meds left over from surgery that need be I can take....I am trying not to take them as, although they work, I just do not like how I feel on them.  They really knock me out.


The reason I am holding out until Thursday is that my dentist( a root canal guy)  is not availible before then, and I would have to use another doctor in the office. I am sure he is good, but my doctor is one of the best and I would rather have him do it.  


I am having a little pain relief moment right now....could the antibiotics  start working THAT fast?   Maybe I will try to take a little nap while the pain is less pounding.....



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@spent2much wrote:

My dentist would see me IMMEDIATELY if I were having ANY kind of problem that caused pain.  Yours should too.

Mine would too. This morning I had an appointment with the oral surgeon for an implant.  They were running behind because they had an emergency patient.  I did not mind waiting because I've been that emergency patient.  If my dentist made me suffer for 2 days, I'd find a new dentist.

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Registered: ‎08-08-2013

Re: Terrible Tooth Ache!

[ Edited ]

@SeaMaiden  Please go and see the other Endo. in the office.  If your doctor is "the best", then he wouldn't have anyone else but "the best" in his office, would he????  They do root canals all day long.  That's all they do.  Maybe you'll even like this new doctor better than your regular one????


Give it a try.  No reason for you to suffer like that.  He is a Specialist and knows what he's doing, otherwise your doctor wouldn't have taken him in..... Think about it...... Good Luck.


In case you've never had a root canal, you don't feel anything.   These guys know what they're doing.  99% of the time, it's done the same day.......Don't wait.....


ETA:  Don't be afraid to take the pain meds.  Just don't drive.....