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Taking antibiotics before dental work?

What are the dangers of having dental work, extractions, fillings etc. When you have had a partial knee replacement, four years ago, and you do not take an antibiotic before the work is done?

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Re: Taking antibiotics before dental work?

@share We can't give you medical advice.


This is something to discuss with your doctor and dentist, not people who don't know your medical history. Good luck.

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Re: Taking antibiotics before dental work?

Hi--I worked for a general dentist and an oral surgeon and both doctors always pre-medicated their patients who have had knee replacements in case of infection.  In recent years there have been reports that pre-meds are not necessary but most doctors will err on the side of caution and pre-med. Patients only have to do it before the procedure and not a week ahead so most people don't really mind taking a few antiobiotics just to be on the safe side. I would do whatever your doctor advises and what you feel comfortable with. My personal opinion is I would pre-medicate just to be on the safe side. Hope this helps. Good luck with your procedure. 

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Re: Taking antibiotics before dental work?

@share   I had two knee replacements and my orthopedist wants me to always take the premeds before dental cleanings or dental work that involves blood.  


For me, it's not worth the risk of any knee infection.  Once an infection occurs in the knee/bone, it's very hard to treat and the success rate is low.


  You're only on a very, very small amount of antibiotic one hour before your dental procedure, and the few times you would need it are few and far between.  Personally for me, it's better to safe than sorry.

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Re: Taking antibiotics before dental work?

I had knee replacement surgeries in 2012 and 2017, and ALWAYS take a 2000 mg dose of Amoxicillan before my dental visits.  


I also take antibiotics after any invasive dermatology procedure.  I’m just not going to take a chance of possible infection thru an opening in my gum and skin that could jeopardize my joints.   


Any opening in your mouth or on your skin is a portal for infection.   

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Re: Taking antibiotics before dental work?

I think this a conversation you have to have with your orthopedic surgeon and your dentist.  

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Re: Taking antibiotics before dental work?

I have to take them because of my heart condition.I have so many dental needs though that I find my intestinal system gets out of order.I then need probiotics.I wish there was a way to stay clear of all of those antibiotics that I am sure I have taken more than my share of.

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Re: Taking antibiotics before dental work?

@ciao_bella wrote:

@share   I had two knee replacements and my orthopedist wants me to always take the premeds before dental cleanings or dental work that involves blood.  


For me, it's not worth the risk of any knee infection.  Once an infection occurs in the knee/bone, it's very hard to treat and the success rate is low.


  You're only on a very, very small amount of antibiotic one hour before your dental procedure, and the few times you would need it are few and far between.  Personally for me, it's better to safe than sorry.



A guy that works with DH has an infection in his knee. He told DH he has to take antibiotics for 2 weeks before he can have knee replacement surgery. I told DH that was not going to clear up in 2 weeks. The guy just told DH he has MRSA in that knee??? He's overweight so I don't see them doing knee replacement surgery. I thought if you were overweight they always make you lose weight before doing that type surgery since the replacement won't work well when yuou are overweight like he is?

My nephew had surgery on his knee infection. Now they are telling him he has some type of Cancer. Suppose to see oncologist today to find out what type Lymphoma he has. I'm wondering if he ever had an infection or if this Cancer was the issue? He has no Insurance so he's not been given proper medical treamtent IMO. When you have Cancer they don't put treatment off like they have with him?

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Re: Taking antibiotics before dental work?

I am diabetic and had a tooth implant. I was put on an antibiotic regimen, just to protect me from infection. I was glad they did. I had no problems at all

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Re: Taking antibiotics before dental work?

[ Edited ]

@share  My dentist tells me that is old information and they no longer give antibiotics before dental work after joint replacement except right  after surgery ...up to six months. Then no more. 


I am a double hip and double knee replacement patient.... going on 6 years now and have had cleanings, root canals and pulled teeth with no antibiotics given prior to work done.   Read both of these