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Suggestions for facial covering mask

I am immunosuppressed and over sixty. I've tried to wear a mask several times, the bandana kind. I have a hard time breathing through it, makes me very dizzy, light headed and headaches. I've tried thinner fold on bandana. I used to have asthma as a kid. I've avoid going out to grocery store as much as possible, but my husband wants me to go with him. He has no problems with masks, he wears respirator for floor refinishing. I have to start medrol another immune suppressant med tomorrow so I will be hunkered down until I finish it.

Any suggestions on different type of mask? Thanks Smiley Happy
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Re: Suggestions for facial covering mask

There are light weight one layer knit masks (shouldn't cost more than five dollars each).  Look under protective mask sets (come in sets of 3,5,I 0) on etsy.

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Re: Suggestions for facial covering mask

[ Edited ]

To be even minimally effective, a mask should be woven cotton of the weight of a high thread count sheet.  Keep in mind that the non-medical masks are intended to protect others from YOU, not vice versa.  There is little protection for the wearer due to the microscopic size of the virus.  Knit masks would be like a sweater, loosely woven and ineffective.


@58Meezer    In light of your medical condition, I think it's extremely selfish of your husband to expect you to accompany him to the grocery store.  You need to ask your doctor to speak to him.  Don't go!

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Suggestions for facial covering mask

You won't need a mask if you stay at home, which you should. Don't go to the grocery store with DH. At the most, order online and do pickup at the store. Take care of yourself!
my DH hits almost every category on the at-risk list, so he stays in and I go pickup groceries and made one trip to WM...and won't be doing the WM thing again. Anything else we need I can find online.
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Re: Suggestions for facial covering mask

[ Edited ]

@58Meezer wrote:

I have struggled with masks and found the bandana type can feel suffocating if folded to many times - it's just too thick to breathe through.  I also don't like polyester because it's just too hot and hard to breathe through.


I found masks at Amazon that I really like.  They are 100% cotton and 2 layers.  I wouldn't want anything less than 2 layers.  I put 'cotton face masks' in the Amazon search option.  You'll get other types but look for the 100% cotton ones and be sure they have 2 or more layers.  


I also bought a couple 2-layer cotton masks from Etsy.  Again, I searched for cotton masks.  


I'm sorry your husband is being selfish by requiring you do go with him. You need to have a serious chat about that.  In my head, I'm thinking "put on your big boy pants and go without me" but that probably wouldn't be productive.



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Re: Suggestions for facial covering mask


If it's too hard on you to go out, then you shouldn't go.  


My DH has severe breathing issues and the first time he went out wearing a mask, he sort of freaked out.  He said he felt like he was suffocating --- and he only had it on for perhaps 15 minutes.  The next time he went, he said he did much better.  


I, myself, have issues with anything around my face and get very claustrophobic.  Before I put one on, I try to calm myself, taking deep, slow breaths, and talk to myself and just say --- no worries, this is helping you, not harming you - you can breathe perfectly fine through this little mask.  


I wore mine last time I was out for several hours and did not have an issue at all, other than getting a little warm.  Maybe you could practice a bit with it on, on a day when you do not plan on going out.


I believe that a cotton type one is better --- not heavy, not thick, is breathable, and would be one which would be more comfortable for you.  


If you feel you just can't do it, then just tell DH --- honey, I just can't --- sorry!!! 

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Suggestions for facial covering mask

I got twelve single layer masks from the website customink, who typically sells custom t-shirts, hats, and the like, for $30 ($35.55 after shipping and tax.) These are very simple masks, but you can use just one, or multiples if you feel more protected with multiple layers. They came very quickly and are fine for me. They're a fine t-shirt material with two sets of ear holes cut out, one set for kids or people with smaller heads and one set for people with bigger heads. It's a very simple, but clever design. Since they're flat, you can stack them to make a multi-layer mask if you prefer.

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Re: Suggestions for facial covering mask

My little tin hat wonders if this is just a plot to make us not want to go out.  They are indeed hard on our breath.

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Re: Suggestions for facial covering mask

I made my own mask from an old t-shirt.


I can manipulate the top a bit away from my nose so I can inhale.  I don't exhale through my nose - so no problem for spreading cooties.

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Re: Suggestions for facial covering mask

@Still Raining wrote:

My little tin hat wonders if this is just a plot to make us not want to go out.  They are indeed hard on our breath.

@Still Raining  You can't get into a store here unless you have a mask. If you want to go out for a ride or walk around you don't need one. I don't have one at all since I have not been in a store. We go for drives and walks. No mask needed.