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Registered: ‎05-10-2010

Re: Stupid question - hot flashes?

Why would you continue seeing a doc who dismisses your concerns? If he doesn't know the answers, he should refer you to gynecologist. At any rate, every woman's experiences with perimenopause and menopause symptoms are unique. No two women have the same experiences, complaints, challenges. I do think that with your PCOS, it will be hard for you to distinguish what's PCOS related and what's perimenopause. Now is the perfect time for you to reach out to your gynecologist for information. Ladies who shop can relate their own personal stories but that doesn't mean diddlysquat to you. You should also get good book on the subject (there are millions of them) because your basic info on menopause seems to be lacking.

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Registered: ‎10-29-2010

Re: Stupid question - hot flashes?

My basic info on menopause is not lacking. I asked the question because my symptoms did not match up with what I knew about menopause, but I had hoped that some women out there might have been able to relate actual personal experience that was similar to mine. I know all too well that there is a big difference between book knowledge and actually experiencing it. How many men can tell you what giving birth is like, no matter how many books they read about it? Reading a book description of a hot flash is much different than hearing a woman (who has had them) describe one.

I kind of already suspected that what I'm experiencing isn't hot flashes. I just really hoped it could have been a different form of them. I've been to a couple of doctors now, and it isn't related to hormones, the diabetes, thyroid, or my blood pressure. I have to go back for more labs and a 24 hour urine thing. Getting a little scared, but trying not to worry too much yet. Right now, there are too many what if's and I don't want to go there yet. I'll update when I know more.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Stupid question - hot flashes?

If you have POCS, hot flashes hot flashes could be tied to that. I had a cyst on my ovary for a year or two, and I had sweats, like a fever? I am 66, and this was 13 years ago. I had my uterus removed years ago, but ovaries in tact. They still are. Menopause can last 10 years or more with few symptoms, or a lot. When I had the cyst removed, my symptoms lessened in the hot flash dept! The hot flashes could be tied to medication, or something pressing on the ovary to secrete more hormone at one time.

I had other symptoms with menopause. Irritability, depression, joint pain, etc. I had one huge, huge night sweat. Then I got these "hot flash" like symptoms that were like I said, sweats, hot skin, almost like I was starting a fever. However, many of my friends experienced hot flaqshes with hot, red skin. They got boiling hot, almost to the point they couldn't stand it. My co worker would turn almost red/purple! She would fan herself and have to go outside if it was cool. She said she slept with a fan in 40 degree weather..

I have several chemo friends who went into menopause after chemo. They were around 42 when this happened.

You might see, or ask about seeing an endocrinologist. I have thyroid nodules after radiation. I got over heated at night for hours, and the daytime (about 3pm) when they were growing. In the middle of winter I sleep with a fan. LOL! Geesh, getting old is NOT for sissies that is for sure!

Have yo ever taken your temperature when you get these "hot flashes"?

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Registered: ‎09-14-2012

Re: Stupid question - hot flashes?

I've only had 2 hot flashes. I had no idea what it was, but a co-worker looked at my flushed face/sweating after lunch and pointed it out to me. We had eaten spicy Italian food brought in by a Pharm. Vendor. She explained that it feels like a volcano erupting from your midsection to the top of your head. Yup, that was it! The other time was after I ate Mexican food for dinner...I avoided those foods until long after menopause. I had night sweats but they stopped after I started taking OTC Estroven and I haven't had a hot flash in 9 years.