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Study: It's harder to be thin now compared to 1980's

This is an excerpt from an article on MSN (link below)


"But the findings also underscore that weight management and weight loss aren't as simple as calories eaten versus calories burned. “That’s similar to saying your investment account balance is simply your deposits subtracting your withdrawals and not accounting for all the other things that affect your balance, like stock market fluctuations, bank fees, or currency exchange rates,” Kuk said.


What are those other things when it comes to weight? The authors aren't exactly sure, but they do have some theories. Kuk toldThe Atlantic that it could be a combination of increased exposure to hormone-altering chemicals, the rise in prescription meds like antidepressants that can lead to weight gain, and changing gut bacteria thanks to our meat- and sugar-heavy diets. Plus, stress, eating later, and exposure to light at night, which can mess with your sleep rhythms."

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Re: Study: It's harder to be thin now compared to 1980's

Beyone just enjoying tasty food, some is due to medicines, heredity, fast foods and prepared foods. Everyone could slow down a smidge and make more of their own meals and be healthier. But today, to slow down, huh! Everyone is on their treadmill of life.

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Re: Study: It's harder to be thin now compared to 1980's

@cotton4meI saw that study - interesting science.  I hope we see follow-up going forward because some of the ideas move the old will power about food and exercise off the top of the heap all by themselves.  I'm not at all sure how knowing this makes losing any easier, but there were details there that were new to me.

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Re: Study: It's harder to be thin now compared to 1980's

I have to take prednisone for  my asthma, The same doctor who prescribes this weight gain causing drug for me sits there telling me to lose weight. I say I can't do that while taking prednisone and he shrugs. sigh.

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Re: Study: It's harder to be thin now compared to 1980's

@qualitygal wrote:

Beyone just enjoying tasty food, some is due to medicines, heredity, fast foods and prepared foods. Everyone could slow down a smidge and make more of their own meals and be healthier. But today, to slow down, huh! Everyone is on their treadmill of life.


Too bad that this "treadmill of life" doesn't burn real calories!    LOL

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Re: Study: It's harder to be thin now compared to 1980's

I have told my doctor for years that "thin" is not in my genetics.  I would have to be deathly ill to ever be thin again, and at that point, how important is my weight?  My PA never really says anything about my weight, but when I have to see the MD in that practice, he always ticks me off.  I like to remind him I'm 20 years older than him, take no blood pressure or cholesterol meds, and my levels will beat his any day.   Stress, high blood pressure and high cholesterol will kill him before he ever gets my age, and I'll still be fat and looking for another doctor!   

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Re: Study: It's harder to be thin now compared to 1980's

@151949 wrote:

I have to take prednisone for  my asthma, The same doctor who prescribes this weight gain causing drug for me sits there telling me to lose weight. I say I can't do that while taking prednisone and he shrugs. sigh.


Oh boy, I feel your pain !!      I've been on prednisone for 7 years and am now trying to taper off.     Problem is it's very effective .... IF you ignore the side effects!

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Re: Study: It's harder to be thin now compared to 1980's

This sounds like another way we aren't accountable for our actions.


I do agree that a few people have medications, genetics, stress factors and other circumstances that cause weight gain, I am betting that the vast majority of obese people eat too much of the wrong foods and move much less than they are supposed to.


With the exception of the outliers on the bell curve, the formula doesn't change: eat less, move more.

Get your flu shot...because I didn't.
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Re: Study: It's harder to be thin now compared to 1980's

As my favorite plant-based doctor, Dr. John McDougall, likes to say:


"People like to hear good things about their Bad Habits."


I envision lots of shoulder shrugging & hands up in the air when people read this.   It's a man-made problem. 

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Re: Study: It's harder to be thin now compared to 1980's

@HonnyBrown wrote:

This sounds like another way we aren't accountable for our actions.


I do agree that a few people have medications, genetics, stress factors and other circumstances that cause weight gain, I am betting that the vast majority of obese people eat too much of the wrong foods and move much less than they are supposed to.


With the exception of the outliers on the bell curve, the formula doesn't change: eat less, move more.