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@hooked on books I agree.  I recently purchased some lightbulbs and some batteries.  One of the high up flood lights in my family room did not go on with the other three for some reason, and then it suddenly did light. That signifies to me that one is on the brink of failing.  As I purchased all of them (LEDs) together, I expect they will likely all fail at around the same time.  Who knows how long Home Depot will remain open considering what is happening?  I also purchased double A batteries, as I expect my TV remote will be getting a lot more use now.  Those purchases are common sense purchases, and it is important to remember them.  I am so glad I have a bagless vacuum cleaner, because that would be yet another important thing I would need to remember to have plenty of on hand-- extra vacuum bags.  My goal at this point is to leave the house as little as possible, and only when needed.  Things are about to get worse (before they suddenly get much better), and we really need to lessen our exposure in the days ahead.

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Registered: ‎10-15-2018
@Jersey Born, exactly! I don't consider myself a "panic-buyer" or a "hoarder". I just feel like we need to plan ahead because once it's too late, it's too late!!! Wishing you good health as we move through this new way of life!😀
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Registered: ‎10-15-2018
And yes, I ordered my light bulbs today!😉😉
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Red cross, stated we should have kits, food, water, and everything one would need to live if power etc. went out. I, think many didn't have red cross supplies. Now, if you don't have the things on the red cross list, this would be the time for your family, as well as yourself to purchase needed items. Gives  one peace of mind. I, just hope we never have to use them. I, was made aware that i should put supplies away in case something happened. Well, i was slow at following the list, but hsn helped me complete my supplies, and home depot. Like life insurance and my will , done. We, all have a responsiblity to take care of our needs, and not burden society with our failing to act. Hooked, your so right.


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Desertdi wrote: filters (!!)

With the shortages @Desertdi this does not help much but back in the 80's I stopped using coffee filters.  Lived out in the country nearest store was 30 minutes away and I had none to prepare machine for the morning.  I looked around and wa-la Paper Towels.  Since that night I just put coffee in the middle of one fold and put in machine.  You never know.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."