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Starting bioidenticals HRT later in life?

The discussion of bioidenticals HRT is usually related to those just entering menopause and on. I wonder if anyone has STARTED bioidentical HRT age 65 or over? Or maybe you used HRT for a few years then 10 years later restarted?

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Re: Starting bioidenticals HRT later in life?

yes, used it in patch form from peri men at 37 for over 10 years.  Started using estrogen cream again at about 58 or so. Still using cream at 64. 

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Re: Starting bioidenticals HRT later in life?


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Re: Starting bioidenticals HRT later in life?

Started on birth control pills and went to HRT...never stoppped!


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Re: Starting bioidenticals HRT later in life?

I started using bioidentical progesterone cream in my early 40's. I used it on & off. 18 yrs later I just stopped using it again. I started using Andrew Lessman's Women's Wellness & feel better. The bottle says take 2 per day but so far don't do that because it has EGCG in it (caffeine) which makes me jittery & I could not sleep. I have been taking 1 with good results. I'm hypothyroid & not suppose to take soy but I had to do something. My doctor was not help.


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Re: Starting bioidenticals HRT later in life?

[ Edited ]

I believe there might be a slight increase of adverse effects if started later. That said, unless I was high risk (and a doctor probably wouldn't prescribe anyway) I wouldn't let that concern me too much. You have to have a good quality of life IMHO. 



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Re: Starting bioidenticals HRT later in life?

I wondered about this, too. I was thinking that maybe by taking them, I could slow down my wrinkles, belly fat, etc. what do you think?

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Re: Starting bioidenticals HRT later in life?

@Goldengate8361 wrote:

I wondered about this, too. I was thinking that maybe by taking them, I could slow down my wrinkles, belly fat, etc. what do you think?

I think you should do your research to understand that bioidentical HRT is not intended for this kind of use.


Personally, unless I was experiencing serious quality of life issues that prevented me from functioning normally every day, I would not touch any form of HRT.