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Re: Side Effect of Hair, Nails , Skin Supplements

On 8/4/2014 little boobala said:

My Dr. Put me on a prescription fish oil. I had to stop taking them, really messed with my stomach. I stopped taking them went back on them , same thing.

I was told to take fish oil and it also hurt my tummy!

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Re: Side Effect of Hair, Nails , Skin Supplements

On 8/4/2014 ChynnaBlue said:

Talk to you doctor about this. I don't know what's in your hair vitamins and don't know what else you're taking or what other conditions you might have, so I don't think I can give you any advice. Sorry you're having trouble. Smiley Sad

Good idea, everybody reacts in different ways.

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Re: Side Effect of Hair, Nails , Skin Supplements

I was advised by the pharmacist to freeze the fish oil. DH & I had issues until we did this for awhile. Now, the fish oil doesn't seem to present any problems. I have trouble with biotin, tho. Cheaper supplements (that contain lower doses) often seem to work just as well for me and without as many side effects. I don't go cheaper on the fish oil... mine is medium-priced. The biotin in larger amounts does not seem to agree.

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Re: Side Effect of Hair, Nails , Skin Supplements

I have been taking AL hair, skin & nails daily for a few months. AL's vitamins are the only brand that don't upset my stomach. I've had no side effects from these at all. And my nails, which were always weak & breaking, are now long & strong. People can't believe they're my real nails. Years ago I tried fish oil but it didn't agree with me- maybe that's what's causing your discomfort?
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Re: Side Effect of Hair, Nails , Skin Supplements

My stylist warned me that GI issues could result when I told her I was going to add in Andrew Lessman's Health Hair Skin and Nails. So I watched it but I have had no issues. My nails are also benefitting. I'm sorry all this is happening susic. What about going to a high end naturopathy store and showing them what you have. They are actually much better educated in terms of knowing contraindications of the products than the doctors, just as pharmacists and pharmacologists are much better at knowing the contraindications that your internist or even a specialist such as a gastroenterologist. They spent all those years in training just on drugs. Good Luck!!

Happy WEN Girl since 1/12/2012
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Re: Side Effect of Hair, Nails , Skin Supplements

I've never heard of this side effect from Hair, Skin, and Nails vitamins. I've taken them for many years and have never had issues. Maybe it's combining them with another supplement that may cause this, but I take numerous supplements too. By the way, the results are amazing with this supplement. I have to cut my nails and my hair quite often. I don't take any other supplement that I see results from like this one.

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Re: Side Effect of Hair, Nails , Skin Supplements

I've never had a problem with either fish oil nor Biotin and have been taking both for years. I guess I'm just lucky. The BIotin makes my hair and nails grow very fast, but doesn't thicken my hair at all. {#emotions_dlg.thumbdown}

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Re: Side Effect of Hair, Nails , Skin Supplements

I took Andrew Lessman hair and nail vitamins for a month or so but had to discontinue them due to digestive upsets. I took biotin for over a year and it did absolutely nothing for me.
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Re: Side Effect of Hair, Nails , Skin Supplements

Susi, you are not alone. I purchased a skin, hair and nail supplement in a gummies formula. I noticed that my stomach was upset after taking them for a few days. I stopped for a couple of weeks, thinking perhaps the cause had been something else. When I again resumed taking the gummies, I again experienced stomach upset. I threw them out and was very disappointed because I really need help with my thinning hair.

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Re: Side Effect of Hair, Nails , Skin Supplements

Many people have a problem with digestive upset and nausea when they take extra B vitamins. I used to be unable to tolerate above 25 mg of any B vitamin at once. Others can tolerate more, some tolerate much less. Without knowing what else you take, either supplement or prescription/over the counter medicine, it would be hard to speculate about why you have trouble with the Hair Skin and Nails. Do you take anything else at about the same time? It is a great vitamin. I would not be without it, so I am sorry that you are having trouble. If you really want to get into learning more about your digestive system and how to keep it functioning optimally, I would suggest you look into some books that discuss the need for MORE acid in the stomach, as opposed to suppressing acid, which many doctors mistakenly jump on as a solution to stomach issues. The purple pill and Tums can cause more harm than good. A very good way to test the problem is to take something called Betaine Hydrochloride (a supplement), when you have that stomach upset or digestion issues. Within a few minutes, if your systems begin to subside, you have a problem with poor/low stomach acid production. HOWEVER, I do not know you or your health issues, if any exist. You must read about this for yourself, and make the determination as to whether it may be helpful, and if it is safe for you to try. Your doc will be clueless by the way. Highly unlikely they will be able to advise on this issue. Just do not arbitrarily try it without researching it and applying the knowledge you gain to your own situation. Also, something I have used for years if I feel poorly in the tummy is something by a company called Traditional Medicinals, called Eater's Digest tea. It is an herbal tea that almost immediately settles any nausea or indigestion. Of course, it is still treating symptoms as opposed to treating the actual problem. That is why I like the Betaine Hydrochloride for my issues. Good luck!