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Side Effect of Hair, Nails , Skin Supplements

Without going into details, I seem to having a lower GI issue with Hair Vitamins. I have recently started taking a few different supplement in past month. Doctor put me on fish oil and red rice yeast. Then I started Hair Vits. After about a week I began having problems.I stopped them all and was fine for a few days. Today I resumed just one of hair vitamins only and the problem returned after about an hour. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this. My plan is to not take them for a week, and resume the fish oil and red yeast ones, since my doctor will be checking my labs again soon. I really want to stay on hair vits so am hoping it is not the cause , or something others have experienced and maybe issue resolves after a while. I do,take with food. I was actually taking a cheaper brand of these hair vitamins w/o problem, but maybe it takes a while for the side effect to occur. Thank you for any help, and know I can call the company also, but like to check with others first. Susi.
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Re: Side Effect of Hair, Nails , Skin Supplements

I don't take them but I have read that GI problems is a side effect of the vitamins associated with hair and nails (which is why I never wanted to take the chance). Biotin which is one of the vitamins for hair and fish oil supplements definitely can cause GI upset. You just may not be able to take them. If you stop taking them and your back to normal then take "one" and the problem begins again, that tell you its the supplements and you can't take them.

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Re: Side Effect of Hair, Nails , Skin Supplements

My Dr. Put me on a prescription fish oil. I had to stop taking them, really messed with my stomach. I stopped taking them went back on them , same thing.

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Re: Side Effect of Hair, Nails , Skin Supplements

I can't take Krill Oil unless I want to spend all day in the bathroom.....I do not have that problem with I take regular fish oil.

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Re: Side Effect of Hair, Nails , Skin Supplements

I have to take antidepressants for digestive issues since the problem is a lack of serotonin in that area which I learned after I went for help to NIH in Bethesda Md. I really wanted to get to the bottom of the problem and just not use "fixes". (Digestive system contains 95% of serotonin in our bodies; brain 5%). Now I go to an acupuncturist for treatment and this works well for me but I still take a very small dose of antidepressant.

Now in regard to your question, I ordered the vitamins for hair, skin and nails from Andrew Lessman at HSN. Had to stop taking them as they made my blood sugar go down; I already have hypoglocemia so I certainly don't need any help at making it worse. I also read about the effects of biotin on the body and the poster BeeJene is right

The comments on this post are very helpful.

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Re: Side Effect of Hair, Nails , Skin Supplements

Talk to you doctor about this. I don't know what's in your hair vitamins and don't know what else you're taking or what other conditions you might have, so I don't think I can give you any advice. Sorry you're having trouble. Smiley Sad

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Re: Side Effect of Hair, Nails , Skin Supplements

Thank you all for your input. There is really nothing in the Hair Vits except the vitamins , biotin, and the green tea extract. Haven't taken the fish oil in a couple of weeks. Don't take any meds or have any condition. I was just wondering if others had experienced any problems, or if there was any trick like taking it at night, or if problem want away after system adjusted. The same thing happens to me when I eat some candy with sugar substitutes. Guess I will let my hair thin for another month, and resume fish oil and red rice yeast only and see if I have same problem. I will be seeing the doctor next month anyway.
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Re: Side Effect of Hair, Nails , Skin Supplements

On 8/4/2014 straykatz said:

I can't take Krill Oil unless I want to spend all day in the bathroom.....I do not have that problem with I take regular fish oil.

Wow! I used to take the Mega Red Krill Oil for my omega 3. I had a horrible lower GI problem, which I blamed on the CA immunotherapy i was receiving. I used up my MR and use a different formulation now. I'm also several months out since my treatment...and the GI problems are no longer present. Maybe it was the krill oil and not the other?!

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Re: Side Effect of Hair, Nails , Skin Supplements

Among other things, I've been taking Biotin and maybe too much fish oil. (I'm not a fish eater, but I do have higher triglyceride readings than I would like). Had issues similar to what the OP is describing, so I recently took myself off of all my supplements. I've added back Biotin and haven't had any issues. I'll work up to adding back the fish oil, but in much smaller doses.

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Re: Side Effect of Hair, Nails , Skin Supplements

I use all of Andrews supplements, however I tried the Hair, Skin and Nails twice and had stomach problems each time. I thought I would give them a second try, but same thing so I won't try again.