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Re: Sad experience with MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS

[ Edited ]

@Junker2327   Do you know the results of your sister's MRI and other diagnostic tests?


Lesions on the brain can cause changes in personality along with decline in cognitive skills for a start.


So far you sister is receiving good care; her reaction doesn't have to weigh on you but I feel your compassion for her might be better put in different compartments.


Seek out a support group for those dealing with loved ones who have MS for your own peace of mind and also to see you are not alone.  You may also find connections to other professionals who can help you along this incredibly sad journey.


While it is important to hear about other journeys with MS, keep in mind that your sister's issue is hers alone.  MS is fickle and trying to find others with the exact same situation is going to be impossible.


Her anger may never subside; her acceptance may never happend.  Here is your task-to take and do what you can and let the rest be.


I would not focus on what could have been with treatment because you do not know what could have helped and what could have not helped.

Shoulda, woulda, coulda is useless now, as it always is in any life situation.


One day at a time.


I could post so much more to you but I will check in from time to time.  I have had two loved ones with MS so I see and hear you.


I am sending {{{hugs}}} to you, your sister, and keeping all who care for her in a prayer that she will receive the best and most compassionate care.

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Sad experience with MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS

I was diagnosed by multiple doctors saying I had MS.  Sixteen years later, it ended up being Lyme!  Lyme can cause same symptoms, even as debilitating as what your sister is experiencing.  I would suggest she find a lyme literate doctor and have lyme and co-infections tested for.  It's worth a shot to look in to!  

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Registered: ‎06-17-2015

Re: Sad experience with MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS

@FatCatinCT wrote:

I was diagnosed by multiple doctors saying I had MS.  Sixteen years later, it ended up being Lyme!  Lyme can cause same symptoms, even as debilitating as what your sister is experiencing.  I would suggest she find a lyme literate doctor and have lyme and co-infections tested for.  It's worth a shot to look in to!  

@FatCatinCT   FIrst, I am happy you received a clear diagnosis for Lyme Disease and I hope you have recovered with no problems.


It is true that Lyme Disease can mimick MS and MS can mimick Lyme Disease.  Lyme Disease can also be relapsing/remitting.


The trick in some of these diagnoses of LD is that MRI imaging of the brain and analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) can appear as MS.


Since Lyme Disease is caused by the bacterium borrelea burgdoferi (sp)

those who have recovered from LD can still present the antibodies in their blood tests. 


Antibodies can indicate an exposure to the bacterium or to the person actually having had or having currently LD.


It has been found that antibodies do not negate a diagnosis of MS, however.  Researchers have found that those with MS can also have had exposure or a past case of LD.


I can see why you had a diagnosis for one and not the other.


LS and MS can overlap and it is also being researched if the more severe symptoms of LD can actually be overlapped with MS and/or the MS becomes an extension of the LD.


Good luck to you.



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Sad experience with MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS

I'm so sorry your sister has MS.  I do too. You can talk to me.  Your frustration and feeling you have to do something is bothering her.  She is grieving all of the functions she has lost and needs you to hear her, and think about her.NMSS is no help.  It has a magazine called Momentum that she might like.  It will help her know she's not alone. She is an "Ideal Abelist", someone who refuses to believe what's happening to her, in denial.  I know, because I am too. What did your sister do before MS that she can't do now?

I was a film editor and a horse trainer.  No way can I do either of those things now. I used to do yoga and dance. No Way now. Not even modified versions of those activites.  There's a saying in the other-abled community:

"You have to get it to 'Get It'"  She can talk to me too if she wants.  I'm in the same chair