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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Question for those who had cataract surgery

I had cataract surgery several years ago and had absolutely no problems at all.  I had each eye done separately a month apart.  My right eye is for distance and my left eye is for close up.  I have 20/20 vision for distance and can read the smallest print on almost anything!  I used to wear one contact for distance so it was easy for me to adjust to having it done this way.  Love not having to wear glassesSmiley Happy

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Re: Question for those who had cataract surgery


It seems better this morning, it was bothering me a lot last night.  My appt. is only next Friday.  I really think I will be okay until then.  My pressures were on the high side of normal, but he said that was normal for right after surgery.  I don't like to they have the stock answer of "it will be fine and sight will be at it's peak in 4-6 months).  They think I'm an alarmist anyway.



I wore a close up contact in one eye and a distance in the other eye for 20 years, but I chose to get multifocal I wonder if it was the best decision.

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Re: Question for those who had cataract surgery

[ Edited ]


I had cataract surgery several years ago and had absolutely no problems at all.  I had each eye done separately a month apart.  My right eye is for distance and my left eye is for close up.  I have 20/20 vision for distance and can read the smallest print on almost anything!  I used to wear one contact for distance so it was easy for me to adjust to having it done this way.  Love not having to wear glassesSmiley Happy

@Ginner ,  @highmaintenancejan    I could have done this with the one eye for distance and the left eye for close up.  I just did not like the bit of " off-ness" if you know what I mean with the one eye one way and the other eye the other... it was just bothersome.  I could have gotten use to it, and accepted the "off-ness" but chose to with the Toric lens where I need readers instead.  

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Re: Question for those who had cataract surgery

[ Edited ]

@SeaMaiden  @Ginner


What my doctor said was, "what if you got an infection, or lost sight in one of your eyes after having the distance or close up done in one eye only?, then you are stuck with is not like a contact you can take out"  In otherwords..he really wasn't selling it.  He was more for distance only or multi focal.  I went in thinking I wanted the monovision.

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Re: Question for those who had cataract surgery

I will need cataract surgery sometime soon.  I do not want to need readers afterward.  I am nearsighted and don’t need readers now.  I don’t mind glasses for distance - it’s what I am used to. 


Of course, I’d rather not need any glasses at all. 

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Re: Question for those who had cataract surgery

[ Edited ]

@ Montanawrote:

I will need cataract surgery sometime soon.  I do not want to need readers afterward.  I am nearsighted and don’t need readers now.  I don’t mind glasses for distance - it’s what I am used to. 


Of course, I’d rather not need any glasses at all. 

@ Montana   I was also very nearsighted as you are.  I wore hard contacts and glasses for about 40 years prior to my surgery.   I went without  the contacts for 4 months prior to my cateract surgery to let my eyes go back to its original form/ shape( the hard lenses change the shape of your eyes to conform to the lens)


For those four months I wore my glasses. I was really fine with it.   I could read up close  really good like you do with your glasses where with my contact lenses in  I had to wear readers for close up..  I chose  I chose the Toric lens to put into my eye  which corrects my nearsidedness so I see 20/20  and use just readers for up close.   So basically I see 20/20 as I did when wearing my hard contact lenses without wearing contacts... and of course correcting my nearsightedness makes me unable to see close up as with contacts.


I chose this option as I did not want to have to wear glasses when doing outside things...  yard work... walking and hiking having my distance be 20/20  with out glasses or contacts was best for me.   I wear my readers for up close... and because I was use to readers when wearing my contacts... I am use to having them around my neck.


It is nice that we have choices to make when correcting the cateracts now.  Your decision is a great one. Plus it will be covered by insurance  where with the fancier lenses you have to pay $1000 plus per eye EXTRA.    Having that abilty to read and do things close up  is really nice and if  wearing glasses works for you and your lifestyle that is wonderful!.     One thing you will be amazed with after you have surgery is how bright and light everything is!  It just will make your vision so much brighter and better. You will be amazed! Take best of care and let us know here how your surgery goes!   Smiley Happy~SeaMaiden_



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Re: Question for those who had cataract surgery

@ Montana

If you don't want to wear readers there are only 2 eye close up and one eye for distance.  Or Multifocal...which I have.    (These options are both costly unless you have insurance that pays)

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Re: Question for those who had cataract surgery

@MominohioThe other day I noticed that I could see my husbands new inplants from his cataract surgery, Just the way the light hit them they glow like cats eyes. It was so wierd , I never thought that you could see them. Anyone else ever noticed ?I don't think I should have told him , now I think i may have made him self-concience

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Re: Question for those who had cataract surgery


@MominohioThe other day I noticed that I could see my husbands new inplants from his cataract surgery, Just the way the light hit them they glow like cats eyes. It was so wierd , I never thought that you could see them. Anyone else ever noticed ?I don't think I should have told him , now I think i may have made him self-concience

No, I never had my husband say he could see the implants... or thought about it.

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Re: Question for those who had cataract surgery