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Registered: ‎03-10-2010
On 9/21/2014 TootyJane said: My Mom began to suffer with psoriasis early last year and she suffers terribly from arthritis. She saw her dermatologist and was given various Rx creams and sprays to use. She had a large area on her lower back, arms, elbows and knees. Psoriasis also likes scars and since she had knee replacement surgery that scar was one of the worst areas. Unfortunately none of these things worked. She was then started on Methotrexate. Methotrexate is a cancer fighting drug but cancer and psoriasis are of the same plaque-type autoimmune disorder. Humira is a biologic drug and it's estimated yearly cost is $30,000 (that's right!!) and Medicare does not pay for it. Just a note, it will depend on what drug plan you have with Medicare. It is possible that some people are covered for biologic drugs.. She was started on a small dosage which was increased gradually. It took about 9 weeks for her to notice that the flare-ups were smaller to non-existent. By week 14 she was psoriasis free and has been for two months now. I know that your husband is probably as miserable as my Mom was. I hope this info is helpful.

Hi Tooty Jane,

Could you just clarify for my tired brain? Is she or was she taking Methotrexate or was it Humira? From reading your post, it seemed it was Methotrexate, but then I became confused.

I really appreciate the info on scar tissue. VERY interesting, as my husband has numerous scars on his hands and his hands are in bad, bad shape.

We both have Medicare plus Blux/Blue Shield PPO. His Derm had not talked about Methotrexate yet, so I'll be hoping and praying that our coverage would be good. When I retired, my benefits counselor told me not to bother with Medicare Part D, as our PPO drug coverage is the same as Part D. Additionally, was told that we would not be allowed to have both. Interesting!

I hope your Mother continues to improve and experience as few or no flares. Please know that I appreciate the information you've provided and will pass it along to my husband.
